Chapter no.12: Uncle Wilton

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[ POV Change ]

"Whoa." Austin couldn't help but look on in awe from the hilltop he was standing on as Pewter City was in view.

The scenery was beautiful as it showed a combination of nature and urban development.

"It's a nice view, isn't it?" Yellow asked always liking how Pewter City looked from this place before pointing to a certain building. "There's the Gym, one of the City's main attractions along with the Pewter City Museum."

'So that's Brock's Gym.' Austin thought while seeing the gym.

"Pewter City is gray, the color of the stone." A new voice spoke up causing Austin and Yellow to look over the hill. "This town has always been famous for stone."

'Oh, it's Flint.' Austin thought remembering Brock's Dad who covered his hair with a red hat and had his face covered with a fake beard while wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants.

"Uh, who are you?" Yellow asked curiously as she has seen him around Pewter City whenever her parents send her to her Uncle for visits but she never really spoke with him.

" The names Flint and you're standing right next to some of my merchandise young lady."

Yellow blinked as she looked over to see the rocks. "Okay, I know that the city is famous for stones, but isn't this pushing it?"

Austin shrugged not understanding this… Unless they were Hard Stones which increase a Rock-Type move-, yeah that just sounds stupid.

"Cha." Pikachu sighed as he was sitting down, exhausted from walking as Yellow's Weedle was still in her arms like a baby.

" Your Pokemon seem to be exhausted, I take it you just got out of Viridian Forest?" Flint asked as Austin gave a nod. "I'll show you to the Pokemon Center."

As Flint left, Austin looked at Yellow. "So he's a local?"

"Yeah, but I never really spoke with him," Yellow answered.


It was pretty hard to miss the Pokemon Center as Austin handed his team over to Nurse Joy before he was on the Video Phone.

"You gave your Weedle to someone?" Prof. Oak asked in surprise as Austin explained what happened.

" Well Weedle liked her a lot more and she wanted a Pokemon," Austin said with a shrug. "But I need help with making her the new trainer."

"I'll have to create a license and put her in the system." Prof. Oak said with a sigh. "That will take a few days."

"Thanks, Prof. Oak," Austin said.

"By the way, I'm impressed by how many Pokemon you caught already." Prof. Oak said as he could see the information from Austin's Pokedex on his computer. "Although Gary has about twelve Pokemon already."

Austin rolled his eyes not caring about how much Pokemon Ash's rival had.

"Well, I'll be in Pewter City for a bit training the Pokemon I do have," Austin said as Prof. Oak gave a nod, accepting that.

"Well, your Mother has been helping out at the Lab while the Restaurant was closed." Prof. Oak said not seeing Austin wince at the mention of Ash's mom as he said goodbye to Prof. Oak as he hung up.

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