Chapter no.18 A Different Trio of Friends

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Austin couldn't help but be surprised by how much longer it took to get to Mt. Moon in comparison to getting into Viridian Forest from Viridian City.

For three days they have been on the road and right now Pikachu was fast asleep sitting on his backpack to get comfortable.

Just feeling Pikachu right behind his head like that made Austin a little happy at just how comfortable the little guy was with him now.

"There it is," Yellow said pointing to the mountain that came into view past the trees. "Mt. Moon."

"I thought we would never find it," Austin said with a grin.

There were quite a few trainers on the road, mostly Bug Catchers or people who had Pidgeys and Rattata's but they were all good experiences for his team.

"People say that a huge meteor crashed into the Mountain back in prehistoric times," Brock said pulling Austin out of his thoughts.

"A meteor?" Yellow asked as Austin gave a nod.

"Yeah, I've heard about it, it's the Moon Stone right?"

Brock smiled. "Yeah, the Moon Stone is said to have the extraordinary ability to power up a Pokemon."

"That sounds cool," Yellow said with a smile as Austin was quiet.

It was... weird to have Brock and Yellow around.

Don't get him wrong, they're pretty cool people to have around but Austin just wasn't used to them yet.

Yellow didn't notice all that much considering she was into seeing the sights around them, but Brock did and was cool with it leaving Austin to be careful in how he acted due to how observant the Breeder-In-Training seemed to be.

"So Ash, what's your plan for the Cerulean Gym?" Brock asked curiously.

"Well I've heard it's a Water Gym, so I'm hoping to use Pikachu since he was the only one to not have a Gym Battle yet," Austin said as Pikachu drowsily opened his eyes with a yawn.

"Cha," Pikachu muttered tiredly.

"That sounds like a good idea," Brock said a little intrigued as he remembered how Austin beat him with type disadvantages.

How will he fight with a type advantage?

'And Pikachu should fight since he doesn't see Misty as a friend this time.'Austin thought remembering that.

It was kind of disappointing but Pikachu did become more of a fighter after Surge's Gym in Canon.

Any further conversation was cut off by a scream causing the trio to snap to attention and run towards it.

What they saw was a man crouching under a horde of Zubats, small dark blue bats with no eyes and purple wings.

Pikachu's eyes widened. "Chu, Pika Chu Pi!" He said in a panic.

"No Pikachu it's not our destiny to get chased by a horde of Pokemon in each area." He said with a sigh.

"Chu," Pikachu said as if to say, yes it was.

"What do you mean?" Brock asked curiously as Yellow explained about the Beedrill horde in Viridian Forest.

"Plus on my first day, we ended up getting chased by a Spearow flock," Austin said as he looked at Pikachu. "What do you say, care to give a light show?"

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