Chapter no.31 Scamming a Scammer

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His penchant for not stopping pushed a few people away from him though as whenever he does that he only focuses on the one task in front of him.

'You are an idiot.' Austin could hear in his head.

~Four Years Ago~

An eleven-year-old Austin was on his back panting as a fourteen-year-old teen stood over him shaking his head.

"Austin you are an idiot."

"I heard you the first time," Austin said glaring at his older brother who had blonde hair and green eyes.

"Doesn't make it any less true." The boy said helping Austin up. "What was it this time?"

"..." Austin looked down. "I made a bet that I could outrun some of the Track Members."

"And they left you in the dust." The teen sighed. "You thought you could do that when you sit around playing video games all day?"

"I could've," Austin muttered despite it sounding stupid. "Come on Leroy, you know I'm quick on my feet."

"Yeah at a short distance." Leroy Kevin deadpanned. "Those guys beat you the moment you started you need to do things in moderation."

~Present Time~

Austin shook his head to get out of his memories as Fearow kept glaring before Leroy's words echoed in his head.

'You need to do things in moderation.'

Sighing, Austin put the brush down. "Okay, we'll come back to brushing you later." He said as Fearow looked away.

"That's probably a good idea," Brock said a bit relieved that nothing bad happened there.

Austin sat down as he stared at Fearow's Pokeball.

He screwed up.

'One step at a time.' Austin reminded himself before he sent Rattata out.

"Pikachu, Rattata are you guys ready to train? I have some combinations you guys would love."

Rattata gained a smirk as she preferred sparring with Pikachu in response to fighting Bug Types Pikachu returned the smirk.


Later that evening, Austin was in his room with all of his Pokemon except for Fearow out, the main reason being that it was too small for the bird to fit in.

At the moment he was brushing Rattata, thinking that he wasn't going to make the same mistake he did with Fearow again.

Rattata seemed to enjoy it as Pikachu was curled up on the bed, Butterfree was on the dresser and Pidgeotto was on the top of a chair, her talons resting on it.

"You guys are getting stronger by the day," Austin said as he continued brushing Rattata. "We'll be ready for the Gym tomorrow."

He didn't know how many Pokemon the Gym would allow him to use, it could be all of them like when he challenged Brock, or it could be the regular rules.

But the main Pokemon he would use would be Pikachu, Rattata, and Pidgeotto.

Butterfree won him his first badge and Fearow wouldn't even listen to him.

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