Chapter no.133 A Challenge

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"Huh, where are you taking me?" Austin asked, perplexed.

Cynthia arched an eyebrow. "I did tell you that I'd introduce you to my friends, didn't I?"

Before Austin could even register that statement, he was pulled along by an excited Champion who led him to Lorelei, who was currently talking to Agatha and Steven.

"Guys, this is Ash, as you might know." Cynthia introduced.

"Hello, Ash," Lorelei replied, rather bluntly. "What…. I mean, do you two know each other?"

"Ash has been a great friend to me on this cruise." Cynthia chirped, in her usual airhead-manner.

Lorelei arched an eyebrow. Steven looked mildly amused, while Agatha didn't even change an expression.

"So this is the person you've been spending time with." Lorelei realized, briefly amused at the slight blush on Cynthia's features. "Nice to meet you, Ash."

"Uh- Nice to meet you too, Elite Four Lorelei."

Lorelei chortled at his method of describing her. "Just Lorelei is fine, Ash. I must say, your performance has been an eye-turner."

"Hasn't it?" Cynthia chirped. "Who'd say that he's not even half a year into training?"

Both Steven and Lorelei arched their eyebrows at that comment.

"You have quite the strong soul," Agatha spoke for the first time.

"Uh—thank you, Ma'am," Austin said with a somewhat nervous smile as his mind was trying to come up with an explanation for Agatha's words.

"Agatha." The old woman countered. "Not Ma'am or Elite Four."

Austin nodded hesitantly.

"Agatha, stop worrying the poor boy." Lorelei chided good-naturedly.

Agatha however, was staring at him with an undecipherable expression on her face, making Austin feel an incredible urge to run away. Finally, she spoke up again. "Fate does not play dice with each other."

"What are you harping on, Agatha?" Steven complained jokingly.

Agatha paid his comment no mind. Her eyes were staring at Austin as if he were an incredibly interesting bug and she was a researcher of the bug-type. "I will not repeat that statement, boy." That said, she turned towards her left, but not before speaking her last words, "I believe it is time for me to desert this gathering. Lavender Town needs my presence."

Almost instantly, her cane shifted its shade to pitch black, as it morphed into a wider shape, before engulfing her and vanishing. The entire thing happened so quickly that had Austin not paid any attention, he would have thought that the old lady had just teleported away.

"Agatha and her flair for dramatics." Lorelei sighed. "Do not mind her, Ash. The old lady is crazy powerful, but damned superstitious as hell."

Austin nodded but in his mind, he couldn't help but think about the words of the Giant Dragonite.

Steven chuckled at her use of expletives, but didn't choose to point it out.

"Something wrong?" Steven asked, noticing the change in his expression.

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