Chapter no.64 The Power of a Small Dragon

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" Well, you're certainly taking it easy aren't you, Ashy-Boy?"

Austin turned his head along with everyone else to see Gary with his usual cocky smirk as a Growlithe was next to him.

'Oh right, he was around when the Squirtle Squad was causing trouble.' Austin thought with a shrug.

"What do you want Gary?" Austin asked giving Gary a bored look, secretly smirking as he saw his eye twitch in annoyance.

"Well not that it's any of your business, but I'm just stopping by to buy some supplies before I head to get my fourth badge," Gary said with a smirk. "How many badges do you have Ashy-Boy?"

"Ashy-Boy?" Misty gave Austin a confused look.

"Two," Austin said already knowing what was going on while Bulbasaur was glaring at Gary, seeing the arrogance of this young trainer.

Gary chuckled. "Wow, only two?" He asked as he looked from Austin to his companions. "Oh hey, Brock."

"Gary." Brock gave a nod of greeting as he remembered the trainer from the Gym Match. "How's your Squirtle doing?"

"Wartortle is doing great." Gary bragged with a chuckle. "Along with all of my other Pokemon, I must've caught 40 by now, what about you Ashy?"

"Eight," Austin said not caring causing Gary to chuckle. "So I see your cheerleaders aren't around you, did you lose them?"

"Nah, they're just taking a break and I was bored before seeing you," Gary smirked. "But still only eight Pokemon, are you that bad of a trainer-?"

"Char!" An ember nearly hit Gary as Charmander got up glaring at him for saying that to Austin while Bulbasaur growled as he stood next to him.

"Hey watch it," Gary said a little annoyed by that as he frowned. "Geez, can't even control your Pokemon Ashy? No wonder you're lagging."

"Geez, how do you know him, Ash?" Misty was annoyed by his arrogance. "He's very…"

"Detestable." Brock finished for her with his arms crossed.

Yellow gave a nod remembering how he acted on the Nugget Bridge.

"We started our journey on the same day," Austin told her as Gary laughed.

"You mean you started yours late, remember who overslept and missed out on getting the actual starters before making do with your electric rat?" Gary asked in a mocking tone.

'Was he ever this bad during Ash's journey?' Austin thought.

Pikachu glared his cheeks sparking before Austin spoke up. "So what?" He asked glaring at Gary. "Yes I overslept, but I'm happy I did otherwise I would never have met Pikachu and I would do it over again."

"Psh, that's probably why you're the deadliest of trainers from Pallet," Gary said giving a nonchalant shrug.

"That's not true!" Yellow said to him. "Ash is one of the strongest trainers."

"Oh? You got yourself a little cheerleader?" Gary asked with a smirk as Yellow went red from that. "I thought I recognize her from Cerulean. What did you pay her or something?"

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