Chapter no.41 Kitty vs Scyther

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Austin stood next to Scyther on AJ's battlefield as Kitty stood alone on the other side, the only spectators were his Pokemon.

Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, and Raticate were watching as they were wondering how long this battle would take.

"Alright, Scyther let's give it our best," Austin said before looking at Kitty. "You give your best to Kitty."

Kitty gave a nod as Scyther got ready.

Pikachu ran to one side and had a paw in the air. "Pika Pi?" Pikachu called out as if he was a referee, before swinging the paw down.

Kitty wasted no time in launching a barrage of Poison Stings that Scyther avoided with Agility as he was all over the place with Kitty looking around.

"Now use Aerial Ace," Austin said not letting up as the move was more powerful combined with Agility.

Kitty however has gotten used to quick enemies due to watching all the battles and used a String Shot to pull herself out of harm's way, leaving a small string trap where she was as Scyther flew into it causing him to get stuck much to his chagrin.

That was when she fired a Poison Sting, hitting him and he cried out in pain despite not being poisoned.

Butterfree recognized how Kitty moved out of the way as he did in the Pewter Gym before Scyther finally broke free and used Quick Attack to slam into Kitty, sending her flying.

Rolling on the ground as Austin ordered a Wing Attack, Kitty used Poison String, netting the Scyther as the poison barbs sunk in, poisoning him this time.

"Scyther are you okay?" Austin called out as Scyther cried for confirmation.

"Rati?" Raticate looked at Butterfree as if to ask what he was teaching that Bug as she knew how Butterfree was Kitty's usual sparring partner.

"Feh." Butterfree gave an insect equivalent of a shrug before Kitty used String Shot to reel herself in, slamming the stinger into Scyther causing him to cry out as he was on one knee panting.

Scyther was annoyed.

He wanted to battle to prove his strength and a Weedle of all things was kicking his butt… Would his new trainer abandon him if he lost here? There's no doubt that his old trainer would just release him right here for this embarrassment.

A glow however caused him to break out of his thoughts as Kitty was giving off light.

"Well, it's about time," Austin said with a smile as Kitty changed shape before a Kakuna was on the battlefield. "Okay, I think we should stop here."

Scyther looked down at that as Kakuna was giving cries of happiness at finally evolving.

As he heard footsteps, Scyther didn't respond until Austin was right next to him. "A little rough around the edges but you did pretty well."

That caused Scyther to give Austin a look of disbelief.

"Look, Kitty has been training for the last two months," Austin told Scyther as the other Pokemon went over to congratulate the newly evolved Kakuna. "She was quick and small, it's easy to see how she was able to fight you so well, but you are strong in your own right."

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