Chapter 3 : Plan

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Hello guys! let's see Erebus's point of view now ......... 

Erebus's POV:

Emerging from the confines of my tent, I was immediately struck by the stark contrast between the tranquility of the surrounding forest and the horrors unfolding within our camp. The lush greenery, illuminated by the soft hues of dawn, stood in stark juxtaposition to the grim reality of our existence.

Rows of black tents stretched out before me, each housing its own tale of suffering and despair. Within these canvas walls, the hierarchy of our society was laid bare—the privileged few enjoying the comforts of their elevated status, while the rest endured a life of hardship and deprivation.

As one of the trusted man of this hellish place's leader, I was provided to reside in a tent equipped with all the necessities of daily life. My reputation as a skilled fighter and expert in the art of evasion had earned me this privilege, allowing me to navigate and observe the treacherous waters of this hidden cruelty with relative ease.

But for the captives held within the confines of our camp, life was a far cry from comfort. Men and women alike crowded into cramped tents, their meager possessions offering little solace from the harsh realities of their existence. A common area served as their only respite, a place where they could gather for their daily routines and bathe in the scant comfort of communal solidarity.

Surrounding the camp was a formidable barrier of wires, a crude yet effective deterrent against any attempts at escape. Beyond this perimeter of the dense forest of the border of Suryavart, a natural glacier fortress that shielded this beautiful Smarajya from prying eyes.

In the grand capital city of Suryavart, Surya Rajdhani, where the royal family and elite of our society resided, there was no inkling of the atrocities being committed on the outskirts of our kingdom. It was a world of peace, justice, opulence and extravagance, where the trappings of peace, wealth and power obscured the grim reality that lay hidden just beyond our borders.

Amidst this chaos, she stood out to me like a beacon in the darkness. From the moment she arrived here, I couldn't help but notice her—small, fragile, yet strangely resilient.

While others succumbed to despair, she endured in silence, navigating the horrors of this place with a quiet strength that defied comprehension. Despite her best efforts to blend into the shadows, fate had a cruel way of singling her out, drawing the attention of one of the most dangerous men in this midst—myself.

I watched her closely, curious to see how she would fare in this unforgiving environment. When she seized the opportunity to escape two days prior, I couldn't resist the urge to see what she was capable of. And as she disappeared into the night, a small part of me dared to hope that she might find freedom beyond these walls.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans. When I stumbled upon her, surrounded by her would-be assailants, something within me snapped. Without hesitation, I intervened, unleashing a fury that I didn't know I possessed. In that moment, all thoughts of hiding and observing were cast aside as I fought to protect her.

Yet, even as I vanquished her attackers, a lingering question haunted me—why did I save her? Was it out of genuine concern for her well-being, or was it simply an act of impulse, driven by a primal instinct to protect the vulnerable?

As she lay unconscious my arms, trembling and vulnerable, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for her. With the boundary of the hidden Suryavart's domain looming in every direction and glaciers and ocean stretching beyond, escape seemed impossible. She was trapped between the devil and the deep blue ocean, with no way out.

And so, as I gazed into her eyes, I knew that her journey was far from over. In a place where survival was a daily battle, she would need every ounce of strength and resilience to endure.

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