Chapter 10 : Gun

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Erebus strode purposefully toward another corner of the tent, his movements deliberate and controlled. With practiced ease, he retrieved a rifle concealed in a hidden compartment, its presence known only to him. Such meticulous concealment ensured that no one, save for Erebus himself, would ever uncover its whereabouts.


Author's POV

Ayushi came out of Erebus's tent, her gaze gravitating toward the far-off captive's tent tucked away in the deep forest. It was there, alone and isolated, a black shadow against the vivid greenery. Safeguarded like a stronghold, it radiated a sense of loneliness and emptiness, far from the raucous bustle of the main camp.

Ayushi could not help but notice the sharp contrast between Erebus's quarters and this tent as she moved in that direction. Where his abode boasted opulence and comfort, the captive's tent bore the marks of confinement and hardship. Its worn-out exterior complemented the gloomy surroundings, and the barbed wire coils that surrounded it acted as a silent sentinel, warding off any thoughts of escape.

At every corner rose a guard tower, their massive silhouettes sweeping the surrounding landscape. Vigilant sentries stood guard from their vantage points, their eyes searching the darkness for indications of trouble.As Ayushi got closer, she could feel the fear and despair seeping into her bones.

In the desolate corner of captivity, hope struggled to take root amidst the harsh realities that pervaded the camp. And as Ayushi got closer, she prepared herself for the difficulties that lay ahead, silently making a mental commitment to bravely and resolutely negotiate the perilous waters of her new reality.


Ayushi's POV

As I approached tent and got into it. I was stared at, by women present there. For a whole day a girl not here, already indicates what happened, sigh. Their eyes spoke volumes, conveying the grim reality of life in this secluded corner of the camp. It was a place where absence spoke louder than words, where the arrival of a captive only hinted at the horrors endured.

My gaze swept over the row of makeshift mattresses laid out on the ground, a stark reminder of the harsh reality faced by the captives. Here, there were no luxuries, no comforts—just bare plastic sheets and dried leaves on it mattresses serving as meager bedding.

The tension hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating, as the weight of fear and uncertainty bore down on every heart. Tears welled in the eyes of those present, silent witnesses to the unspoken horrors that plagued yesterday.

Drawing nearer, My heart sank at the sight before her. Two girls, their bodies bearing the brutal marks of violence, lay motionless on makeshift mattresses. The air was heavy with the stench of fear and despair, their silent suffering a testament to the cruelty that pervaded this hidden enclave.

I suddenly felt lucky, that atleast I was not met with such a treatment. Even though, he was cruel and not to mention...... 'inexperienced'. But, still better than this. I didn't say anything just as I never said anything, since I came here, except in front of him. I moved towards my mattress that was on the farthest and worse corner of the tent, thin, hard and tattered in the corner, I took some of my things -- a ­­toothbrush, a change of clothes and other essentials.

I silently went out of the tent, as I came here. No one noticed or said anything, accept Freya and Eve. Freya was the only one who helped her when needed without anyone's notice and Eve just silently accompanied her, most probably because she was mute, a real mute.

Freya's glance spoke volumes, her silence echoing the unspoken bond between us. With a fleeting look at my slightly limping legs, she conveyed a wordless understanding that resonated deeply within me.

Yet, just as quickly as our eyes met, we averted our gaze, disappearing from her sight as if we were strangers passing in the night. It was as though an unspoken agreement hung in the air between us, a silent pact forged by shared experiences and unspoken truths.

Eve was most probably, doing her assigned task, and was not present here.

I reached his tent, and saw him sitting like a king on the chair and small table filled with black things.

When I went a little near, it was disassembled gun ? My eyes grew wide seeing this.


Erebus's POV

I gazed at the rifle for few minutes then, put it down on the compartment. I strategized my next move as our army lay poised in readiness, awaiting my command. Retrieving a small map provided by Viktor, meticulously drawn by the tribal locals of "Tamasvan," I scrutinized its intricate details. Unlike the standard maps in possession of the Suryavart army and J&P, this one offered a wealth of additional information, providing us with a strategic advantage in the upcoming conflict.

After nearly 15 minutes of contemplation, I took the gun, that she had held few minutes ago and began disassembling it absentmindedly, lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, my mind shifted to the girl. Do I need to consider her punishment now? Hmm..... , But, then I heard her silent footsteps in the tent.

I saw her looking with slightly wide eye on the dissembled gun and gulped lightly. My eyes went towards the bruises on her neck. I moved my left hand towards left direction of the resting area.

As if compelled, she lifted her gaze towards the disassembled rifle and moved forward. Placing her belongings in the empty bag nearby, she resumed her stance, resembling that of a maid awaiting orders.

Internally, I sighed. What could I expect from a girl who had been silent since her arrival? Why was I even expecting anything at all?

"Stay here. Dinner will be delivered to this location. Starting tomorrow, you will resume your tasks," I stated firmly and icily. It had become a habit of mine, and I had no intention of implying any form of assistance.

Despite observing her for three months, intervening to save her, and even... It didn't mean I would extend my trust to her that easily. She didn't say anything just a little nod.

"Don't try to act mute with me. You know, I'm well aware that you're capable of speaking," I stated firmly. I remarked, as I don't know why, I hated that she was treating and thinking of me like the men out there. Even though, the way I treated her yesterday, was not any less than them.

"Okay!" a small voice reached my ears.

I stared at her a while, and got out of the tent.

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