Chapter 5 : Night

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He started to move his hands on her body which was actually hidden in the loose clothes she always wore. He took his hand inside the winter clothes which was barely helping her to shield from this chilling winter and she quivered beneath his touch, said in a weak and barely audible voice " No, Please don't......" a lone tear escaped her eyes.


Author's POV

As Erebus removed Ayushi's upper attire, his hands delicately tracing the curves of her skin, he couldn't help but notice the faint marks of abuse that marred her delicate frame. His heart clenched with a mixture of rage and sorrow, the urge to protect her from further harm consuming him.

With gentle caresses, he sought to soothe the ache that lingered beneath her skin, his touch a balm against the wounds of her past. With each soft stroke on her marred flesh, his could feel the scratches and wounds, making his heart clench with very unfamiliar fury. What's happening to him? Why is making his cold face and heart which could only be gentle to his family, is responding to a stranger. Why is she getting his attention without even doing anything from the first day she arrived here?

Ayushi's senses were dulled by exhaustion and fear, her body too weak to resist as she felt the unwelcome touch of another upon her. A shiver ran down her spine as she was enveloped by the oppressive heat of the intruder's body, the hardness of his form pressing against her like hot iron against tender flesh.

With a sinking heart, she realized the inevitable truth of her situation. Despite her efforts to remain invisible, to avoid drawing attention to herself in this wretched place, she had become just like the others—victimized and vulnerable, a pawn in the cruel game of those who held power over her.

Her attempts to push the him away were feeble, her limbs heavy and unresponsive. She was trapped, her body betraying her in her moment of greatest need. Tears welled in her eyes, silent witnesses to the agony and despair that consumed her as she braced herself for the violation that loomed on the horizon. At that moment a lone tear fell as tried to say with barely audible voice, "No, Please don't......".

She didn't even let her ex-boyfriend touched her this way because of her not liking. Not to mention that bastard husband of hers also never touched, when he tried to touch her once, he was kicked hard on his balls and after that never ever he tried to touch her again. She was a virgin even after being married for 1 year.

But, right now she was getting raped and she can't even even resist. Am I getting raped by that scarred bastard on that big tent? No, That man who was named Erebus, Is he the one? Is this the price of saving her?

She could feel him removing her already torn jacket and t-shirt. She was bare before him with only upper inner garment. She can't open her eyes due to injuries and weakness. Medicine that he gave her for the cold has heavy sleeping properties, allowing her to be only partly conscious. I could feel he stopped for few seconds, Why? Because of the scar on her body? She was just thanking those who gave her scars, but next moment she could feel his gentle yet hard hand filled with calluses on her waist tracing those scars. She was literally shocked, if she could open her eyes, he would be able to see the shocked big eyes of hers.

He started kissing and sucking below her ears moving towards her jaw. She could feel pain in his every kiss. She was able to yell, "Ahh ......". Well !! yell in her languages but a very soft barely audible yet enchanting moan was heard by Erebus, making him even hard to get off her, and he lose his control on that moan.

In the darkness, their bodies became entwined, each touch igniting a firestorm of sensation that threatened to consume them both.

He started kissing and sucking her neck, moving towards her shoulder and removing one of the strap of her bra. And, kissing her shoulder. He removed her bra in urgency without any restraint. She could feel the power and heat from his body, making her almost unconscious. She finally opened her eyes partly tried to see but can't because the darkness.

He removed her leggings or should say tore it down. He started touching her legs gently while sucking her one of the breast hungrily. "Ahh..." small moans were escaping from her mouth. He was making her feel something that she has never ever felt. He removes her last garment that was covering her.

As he lost himself in the depths of her, succumbing to the overwhelming tide of desire, Erebus found himself consumed by a primal urge to assert his dominance over her. With a commanding voice that brooked no dissent, he declared, "You are mine."

The words hung in the air like a decree, laden with the weight of his authority and the intensity of his passion. In that moment, there was no room for negotiation or hesitation. She belonged to him, body and soul, bound by the unbreakable chains of desire and need.

With each syllable, he reinforced his claim, his voice resonating with a power that sent shivers down her spine. It was a declaration of ownership, a proclamation of his absolute control over her, as he asserted his dominance with unwavering certainty.

In the throes of passion and surrender, Ayushi found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Beneath Erebus's dominant presence, she felt a sense of submission unlike anything she had experienced before. It was a stark departure from the horrifying scenes she had witnessed, where her companions were taken forcefully by the men of the camp. This feeling was altogether different, stirring within her a maelstrom of confusion and longing. Lost in the intensity of the moment, she struggled to articulate the complex array of emotions coursing through her being.

And so they danced on the razor's edge of desire, two souls bound by fate and circumstance, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace that defied reason and morality. In that moment, there were no rules, no consequences, only the raw, unbridled ecstasy of two lost souls finding solace in each other's arms.


Actually, I don't know if this will be considered as smut because I wanted to write more on this, unfortunately, their circumstances was not allowing it.

Also, mai bht massom hu yaar, mujhe sch mch shrm aarhi thi likhne me jb chahti thi toh 😁😁

Uff.. Meri masoomiyat


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