Chapter 28 : Masked agony, silent strength...

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Hello, So, Here I am back with new chapter. So, the last target is complete, actually surpassed the target. I am happy, really happy.

I know this is becoming confusing, actually, this book I think is too long. But, I wanted to see how well my story writing going to be liked by someone. Let's see though.

And and and, please, if any of you did not voted the other chapters, do visit and vote them. It's not gonna take too much time right?

So, the target was complete, but not comment target. Actually, I know there is not much funny scenes here, because this part of this novel only has darkness and pain.

Help me reach 300 vote target ok? And 50 comments I hope?

You can help right? My dear Eternities❤️❤️ from Beneath Eternity's Embrace.

Total Words : 1980

Target Votes : 300

"In the depths of her torment, 

she is a tempest of silent screams, 

a canvas painted with the hues of agony. 

Though the darkness beckons with its icy embrace, 

she finds her anchor in the love that whispers hope amidst the chaos."

"उस दरिंदगी के अंधेरे में, वह एक शांत आंधी है, 

अपने दर्द के संगीन रंगों से भरा हुआ। 

हर सांस में, वह अपनी खुद की जंग लड़ती है, 

एक चुप्पी योद्धा जो अपने अंदरी युद्ध से लड़ता है।"


"Don't let anyone notice about this and tell Freya. She will look after her.", Erebus said coldly


Erebus entered Marcus's tent with a steely resolve, his gaze piercing through the dimly lit interior to where Marcus sat, nursing his wounded shoulder with a grimace etched upon his face. Without preamble, Erebus confronted him, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

"Do you still remember Viktor's warning?" Erebus's voice was laced with a cold edge, his words carrying the weight of authority. "Or do you believe that this entire camp belongs to you?"

Marcus bristled at the accusation, his jaw clenched tight with barely restrained anger. "That b*tch attacked me with a knife," he retorted, his voice thick with resentment.

Erebus's expression remained impassive, his gaze unwavering as he met Marcus's glare head-on. "And what did you expect from her?" he countered, his tone dripping with disdain. "You nearly broke her ankles, her body is covered in bruises. What do you think we'll ship with this behavior of yours?"

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