Chapter 7 : Suryavanshi 🤔

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A pang of regret gnawed at Erebus as he observed the bruises marring Ayushi's delicate skin, tangible reminders of the pain he had inadvertently caused her. He longed to reach out, to offer comfort and reassurance, yet hesitated, acutely aware of the fragile trust that lay between them.


Author's POV

As Erebus emerged from the tent, his gaze met Luke's, who scrutinized him for a moment before attempting to peer inside. However, Erebus had already set off towards Viktor's tent without a word. Luke stood there, bewildered by what he had just witnessed.

"What in the world... Did Erebus really do that? With a refugee captive, no less," he thought incredulously. "Unbelievable. How could this happen? bro, engaging in such an act?" Shaking off his astonishment, Luke composed himself and hastened to catch up with Erebus, his mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

When they arrived, the buzz of conversation surrounding the two women in the camp filled the air. Erebus and Luke paid little heed to the commotion as they made their way towards Viktor's location. Luke called out, "Boss..." and stared at Erebus whose jaw was clench because they knew what they are going to see now.

Viktor, heard their arrival, greeted them with a smirk and a beckoning gesture. "Ah, Luke, Erebus, there you are. What took you so long? Come inside, What are you waiting for? ", he said, his tone laced with amusement and thinly veiled malice which was most probably because of sins he has been committing.

As they entered the tent, a scene unfolded before them that sent a chill down their spines. One girl lay on the ground, stripped of her clothes and unconscious, yet still being violated. The other, also unconscious, endured a similar fate, though with a subtle difference. Unbeknownst to Erebus and Luke, the second girl, who was much better than the other has actually accepted the reality and tried her best to pleasure them and make advantage of her beautiful face. To save her life.

Indeed, the notion that villains are not born but rather made by their circumstances holds true in many cases.

As they settled into the seating area, and covered them with their torn cloth and some blanket. Viktor let out a low chuckle, his gaze lingering on the unconscious forms of the girls before him. "Well, well, seems like these ones put up quite the struggle, eh?" he remarked, a twisted grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "But you know what they say, nothing a bit of persuasion and force can't fix.", Others laughed on this.

Luke nodded in agreement, though there was a flicker of discomfort in his eyes, but didn't show it. "Yeah, it's always a challenge with the feisty ones," he replied, his tone laced without a hint of unease. "But hey, that's what makes it fun, right?"

Erebus remained silent, his jaw clenched as he observed the scene before him. The sight of the girls being violated stirred a mix of revulsion and anger within him, though he kept his emotions carefully concealed beneath a mask of indifference. "Just another day in paradise, I suppose," he muttered darkly, his voice tinged with bitterness.

The conversation continued, filled with lewd remarks and callous laughter as they discussed their experiences with the captives, each comment serving as a chilling reminder of the cruelty that pervaded their world.

Viktor's laughter filled the air like a chilling echo, a twisted symphony of cruelty. With a sharp clap of his hands, he summoned two of his henchmen to his side. "Yes, boss," they responded in unison, their voices devoid of any hint of humanity.

"Remove these women from my sight at once," Viktor commanded, his tone dripping with disdain. "And ensure that their punishment serves as a warning to any other fool who dares to defy us."

The two men nodded obediently, their expressions devoid of any empathy as they approached the unconscious women on the floor. With callous efficiency, they lifted the limp bodies and began to drag them out of the tent, their movements rough and uncaring.

Viktor's laughter echoed through the space as he watched them go, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic light. "Make sure they get the message loud and clear," he called after them, his voice laced with malice. "Anyone who dares to cross us will meet the same fate or even worse."

As the men disappeared with their burdens, the air in the tent grew heavy with the weight of their actions. Erebus and Luke exchanged grim glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Only survival mattered, no matter the cost, in this darkness.

Viktor said, "I got the message that arrangements are made, and we are ready to ship them, from higher ups." And that moment Erebus and Luke knew there plan was successful. Erebus has already forwarded the message to the Suryavart army and J&P.

"Excellent," Viktor declared, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. "Prepare to expedite our timeline. We'll move and ship them in 9 or 10 months."

The man's words were met with nods of agreement from Luke and Erebus, the latter maintaining his stoic demeanor. Erebus took charge, issuing instructions with a cool efficiency.

"Let's make the necessary arrangements," he stated firmly. "I'll send messages to the other camps as well."

Viktor chuckled sadistically, his laughter echoing through the tent. "Yes, let's freshen up," he exclaimed, as if oblivious to the tension in the air. "We need to shake off the pleasurable fatigue after last night, isn't that right, Erebus?" His words dripped with mockery.

Erebus responded with a tight-lipped smirk, his eyes glinting with restrained fury. Luke suppressed his laugh, understanding all too well the depth of Erebus's contempt for Viktor after yesterday's abhorrent actions. They moved out the tent to make arrangements.

In the heart of the dense forest, where the shadows danced and the trees whispered secrets, Erebus and Luke met under the guise of strangers. With practiced precision, they extracted a small device, its forefinger size belying its immense significance. Silently, they communicated with their higher-ups in capital, their voices lost amidst the symphony of nature's whispers. Their mission, though shrouded in secrecy, held the fate of countless lives in its grasp.


In the heart of the dense and treacherous forest, concealed within the thick canopy of trees, lay a hidden refuge: a treehouse nestled amidst the foliage. Hidden from prying eyes, this sanctuary was virtually impossible to stumble upon without prior knowledge. Inside, Aarav Suryavanshi, with his long hair and striking features, lay asleep upon the bed, surrounded by an array of technological marvels. The room was a maze of laptops, wires, and large screens, each humming with activity. Multiple phones, both conventional and miniature, cluttered the surfaces, each holding its own significance.

Suddenly, a warning sound shattered the tranquility, rousing Aarav from his slumber. With practiced efficiency, he sprang into action, swiftly deciphering a sequence of urgent messages. Without hesitation, he forwarded the critical information to the capital, ensuring swift action. Connecting a small device to one of the laptops, he expertly deleted all traces of their covert communications, leaving no evidence behind.


Hey guys yaha hoti hai hmare pehle suryavanshi, Aarav Suryavanshi ki entry, I think aapko pata hoga suryavanshi's are the royal family of Suryavart. Aur jaane ke liye Rehaan's story aur character's intro me padhlo, pehle he aajayega.

Vaise kya lgta hai ? sirf ek he Suryavanshi hai kya abhi tk chapter me, aur aur bhi aa chuke hai ?........................... 😏🤔🤔

Vaise maine dekha bht log padhne lge mere novel. Uff !!!... Again I love you all yaar 😘😘. But, please 31 log padh rhe hai  particular chapter 31 votes bhi de do yaar😁☹️. Mai jabardasti nhi maang rhi, but, you know dekhne me bht achaa lgta hai, mtlb kaise smjhau, ek confidence sa aata hai. Vaise aapke mrziiiii............... What can I say ? 😘😘😘😘

Bye bye 👋👋 

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