CH: 86 Who does he think he is?

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CH: 86 Who does he think he is?

(Jamison POV)

He thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.

As if he is unstoppable, someone that no one can touch and put an end to.

He had the freedom to do what he pleased for many years to many people.

He's not going to have that luxury anymore; I don't fucking play with that.

He has no idea who he is messing with, especially when he thinks he can hurt Rosemary.

I don't play with anyone who thinks they can cause other people harm, especially people that I care about and love.

So, if he wants to fuck around and find out how far I can go, he can sure find out how far I can go.

As I will go very far for Rosemary, without a doubt, he was doing things that he felt comfortable doing, and that's something that needed to change.

"This bastard is really pissing me off." I said, speeding up and entering the parking lot of an outlet.

"Jamison what are you doing?" Rosemary asked me as I pulled into a parking space.

He also followed us into the parking lot but stayed a distance away.

It didn't matter; he would get confronted by me right now and then.

This guy thinks he's untouchable and does anything to people without anything coming back to him.

That needs to end; he's nothing but a fucking prick who get's off on hurting people, especially people that he shouldn't be hurting.

I hate people like that; I can't stand people like that; people like that don't need to be walking the earth. People like that must be gone; they don't need to live amongst others.

"Jamison," Rosemary said softly, touching my shoulder.

"Are you okay? What are you trying to do?" She asked me softly.

"I'm going to confront him," I said.

"What no." The woman said from the back seat.

"You don't know if he has any weapons, like a gun with him. What if he just shoots you like that." She said.

"Then I'll become a ghost and haunt him until he drives himself into destruction. I'm not scared of him, and I am not going to have him think I am scared of him either." I said, getting out of the car.

I turned my attention towards the car he was in and started walking towards it. I saw him from the windshield window; he had been taken off guard.

He was not expecting me to do what I was doing; no, that wasn't it. He didn't think I would be in the car as well.

I could also tell that he felt like he would have the upper hand; not once did he decide to pull away, but he let me walk toward his car until I stood in front of the driver's seat.

I watched him lower his window.

"It seems like I've been caught following." He said as he stared at me at me.

"I guess I should have done a better job." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

As if what he was doing was okay, as if there was no problem with it.

"It's obvious that you think you're untouchable, someone that no one can get rid of or do anything to, but that's wrong. No idea why you were following us, or should I say her. I am sure you weren't expecting me to be in the car but for her to be in it by herself." I said, tilting my head.

"Which, I am going to make obvious that it angers me," I said, bending my head to make direct eye contact with him.

"I consider people like you trash; by trash, I mean rotten trash. I've considered myself trash, too, but here's the difference between you and me. You're trash with a smell that no one wants to touch or eliminate because they think it will linger on them. That's what you happen to be, I don't think, because no one has bothered to take you out, meaning that someone won't come along to do it. You've been lingering around for too long if you think you can cause any harm to that woman in the car like you've done to your past wives. You won't even realize when death comes to you in the blink of an eye. Your life will be gone." I said through gritted teeth.

I pulled my head back and let out a dry laugh.

"We both have mommy issues, yet you don't see me going around and doing that to women," I said as I stood up to my full height.

"Hit a soft spot didn't I?" I asked as I could see anger taking over his facial expression.

"I don't care to see you locked up; I care to see you dead. So, how about you do yourself a favor and just hope that you use whatever brain cells you have operating to not fuck with my family, as I won't have a problem killing you." I said, saying my words in a threatening tone.

I turned around, not bothering to look back. Why? This is something that I know would anger him if you're scared or wary of someone. You don't give them your back, walk away backward, or keep glancing over your shoulder.

I fully turned, not looking back, and walked towards the car.

I just showed him that I don't view him as a threat and that I am not bluffing about anything that I just said, and not only did I show him that, but I just confirmed something big. This guy has mommy issues, which means this might be one of the big reasons he's killed these women.

I threw it out of there to see if it would be a tick for him, and it sure was.

With him, it could be fifty, fifty. He could either back off or be so angry that he continues his plan.

I got into the car; Rosemary looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Jamison." She said; I could tell she didn't know exactly what to ask.

"You look angry." She said. I glanced at the rearview mirror and saw my facial expression.

I looked far from angry; I looked murderous.

I started the car and pulled out of the outlet's parking lot.

"What did you say to him?" Rosemary asked.

"I let him know that there is no way in hell; I am just going to let him do what he thinks he can do to you. That he better be fucking prepared if he thinks he can hurt you." I said, snarling.

I despise filth like him.

"Are you fine with not going back to your son for a little bit longer?" I asked the woman sitting in the car's back seat.

I glanced at the rearview mirror to find a concerned look on her face.

She was concerned for us; it was apparent. I am sure she doesn't want anyone going through the hell she went through.

"I can stay with you guys for a little bit longer." She said in a soft tone.

I nodded my head, letting out a deep sigh.

"Good, because we're going to need help and I have a lot of questions to ask." I said.

The ride back home was quiet.

It was the quiet before the storm, after all.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Obviously, Jamison isn't fucking around. I mean, I wouldn't be either. He's serious about protecting Rosemary. Don't you Dolls agree? How do you guys think Rosemary felt? What do you guys think the ghost of his late wife thinks?

Of course, Jamison is right; there's a storm coming.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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