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(A/N: welcome back dearies! Enjoy the first chapter of CoS! TBH, I've changed some plots here and there in the next few chapters. So be patient everyone for what will be shared in the next few weeks>~<)


It was a serene and peaceful summer evening in Surrey, with the soft warmth of the setting sun gently filtering through the curtains of Harry's bedroom

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It was a serene and peaceful summer evening in Surrey, with the soft warmth of the setting sun gently filtering through the curtains of Harry's bedroom. He sat cross-legged on his bed, immersed in the nostalgia of flipping through the carefully curated photo album that Hagrid had gifted him during his stay in the hospital wing at the end of his eventful first year at Hogwarts.

"Oh, Harry. We finally get to see you after a long film," Mary said with a smile.

"Yay... Lucky me," Harry said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hang on. Now you have a room?" James pointed out.

"Yeah. They got scared that I was going to hex them like Hagrid did to Dudley, so they gave me his second bedroom," Harry explained.

"Second bedroom! He had a second one and you slept in a bloody cupboard!" Lily fumed in anger. Her face was as red as her hair.

"That's not funny. A cupboard is a cupboard not a bedroom," Annabeth shook her head.

"Yeah, well they just locked all my school stuff in the cupboard so I don't have any of them aside from Hedwig. Which I'm glad," Harry said.

"Still... Oh, I wished you could've hexed them for real," Annabeth huffed, her frustration palpable as she dwelled on the despicable treatment Harry endured at the hands of the Dursleys from infancy onwards. Their cruelty was unparalleled, making them undoubtedly the most heinous parents in existence, a title that couldn't even surpass the malevolence of (Name)'s own grandmother.

"I still don't understand why you have to live with them when they're freaking abusive. I mean, your mother was said to have sacrificed herself for you. And you have many other family members that could take care of you like Sirius or Remus or those who are friends with them, but why the Dursleys?" Percy frowned at the other man, expressing his confusion and concern over the mistreatment you had endured. The enigmatic nature of the situation lingered in the air, as they pondered the complexities of Harry's unfortunate circumstances.

A hushed murmur spread among the audience, with numerous individuals leaning in to share their speculations. Dumbledore, foreseeing the impending scrutiny, made a concerted effort to mask his emotions, but his facade crumbled under the intense gazes of the Potter family and the Minister of Magic, leaving him feeling acutely exposed.

"Actually," (Name) began thoughtfully, initiating an intriguing explanation, "I had made a theory and it's actually true from mine, Annabeth and Hermione's research. Essentially, it revolves around the idea that when Aunt Lily sacrificed herself to protect Harry, am event mentioned by Dumbles in the first book, who emphasized that her 'love' played a key role which was actually wrong. What unfolded was the unintentional creation of an immensely potent blood protection spell that not only shielded Harry from the fatal effects of the killing curse but also stood as a formidable safeguard. That intriguing spell continues to envelop Harry as long as he remains within the company of people connected to Aunt Lily, such as the Dursleys. It is interesting that that powerful protection only requires Harry to spend brief periods, typically let's say... a week or two every few months, with them to maintain its shield."

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