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"Say what?" James and Sirius looked at each other before looking at the two boys, remembering that they were flying the car and also found out by the muggles

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"Say what?" James and Sirius looked at each other before looking at the two boys, remembering that they were flying the car and also found out by the muggles.

"Don't tell me..." Molly gasped in shock at the title, knowing that her son would cause that much trouble.

"We're not going to say anything," Harry shook his head as he share a look with Ron. Then, the scene continued to play without any interruptions.

The scene gradually unveiled the tranquil beauty of the fluffy clouds scattered across the vast expanse of the clear blue sky. As it continued its journey through the scene, a breathtaking view of Scotland's lush, emerald-green landscape emerged, capturing the essence of the country's natural splendor.

"So pretty," Grover whispered softly at the sight. He knew that a certain part of Scotland is stunningly beautiful, surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, but he had never ventured there himself. From what he had seen so far, the view never failed to captivate his senses, with each detail painting a vivid image in his mind and filling him with a sense of wonder and awe that only nature's beauty could evoke.

Amid this picturesque display, the soft sputtering of the Anglia's engine provided a soothing backdrop until abruptly, a distinct popping sound echoed through the air, interrupting the tranquility.

"That doesn't sound good," Ted muttered, knowing that the sound caused by the car means that there is something about to go wrong.

As if in response, the car materialized once more, catching Ron's attention, prompting him to press the gleaming silver button once again, eager to uncover more of the mysterious journey ahead.

"Oh no! The invisibility Booster must be faulty!" Ron exclaimed. Both of them pummeled it. The car vanished. Then it flickered back again.

Arthur winced, knowing that there had to be a mistake somewhere he had made when he installed the invisibility booster in the future. He took note of this to avoid the same thing that may happen again.

"Hold on!" Ron yelled, and he slammed his foot on the accelerator; they shot straight into the low woolly clouds and everything turned dull and foggy.

"Now what?" said Harry, blinking at the solid mass of cloud pressing in on them from all sides.

"We need to see the train to know what direction to go in," said Ron.

"Dip back down again – quickly –"

"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train," Harry said.

Along a steep bridge, a single line of train tracks were seen by the boys.

"We can't be far behind," Ron said, steering the steering wheel as they followed the train tracks.

Suddenly, behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express appears, closing in fast.

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