Chapter 7: Katniss

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My prep team was shocked about my child to say the least. They greeted me with hugs and tears and as they began to work on me and the baby was revealed, there were even more tears. I make them promise not to reveal my secret and they agree, running of instantly to fetch Cinna when they finish. I sit alone in the dimly lighted prep room when he walks in.

"I'm assuming the way those three looked, you had a wet morning?" he says as he greets me.

"You could wring the tears out of my hair," I say.

"I'll be sure to have a word with them before they have to get you ready for your interview," he says. "Although I don't think they would have been so bad had you not surprised them with the baby."

"They told you?" I ask.

"No," he says. "Haymitch notified me of the situation so I could prepare outfits that would hide it for you"

"Thank you," I say.

"I'm not surprised that this happened, you quite obviously love the boy," he says. "How far along are you?"

"Nearly eight months," I say.

"Rather small for eight months," he says.

"I've been told," I say.

"Lets get you into your dress," he says pulling out a black bag. Inside is a floor length, slightly poofy black dress with a strap around the neck. I lift my arms and the silky insides slide over my body. I open my eyes as Cinna straps the collar around my neck. The dress flows out in such a way that hides the fact that my baby lies just underneath.

"Do you like it?" he asks.

"It's lovely as always Cinna," I say. I run my fingers over my baby and while I can feel him, I can't see him. "Will we be on fire again?"

"Yes, you will," he says. I stand there looking at myself for a little while longer before he taps on my shoulder, "It's time for the chariots."

"Okay," I say as I follow him. He leads me to the large room and unlike last year when everyone stayed close to their chariots and mentors, people are scattered all over, talking with each other and laughing. Like this is some sort of party and not a tribute parade. I decide to stay away and start petting one of the coal black horses. These poor things are trained to do this all their lives until they are deemed useless or unattractive and butchered. I've heard horse is a delicacy here.

"How did we get here?" I ask the bold black stallion as though he will answer.

"Sugar cube?" someone asks holding one almost right under my nose. I turn to see Finnick Odair, Capital sex symbol and pride of District 4 after winning the 65th Games at fourteen. His green eyes and bronze hair drive all the ladies wild, but I feel he was a little over exaggerated. I prefer my blue eyed baker much more. Perhaps Finnick's too attractive. "I know they're supposed to be for the horses but they have years to eat them where as if we see something sweet we better grab it. I know Peeta did."

"No thank you," I say. "although might I say, that is a lovely outfit." He is practically naked, just a fishing net laid over him, strategically knotted at his groin. His stylist probably thinks the more the crowd sees of Finnick, the better.

"You don't look to bad yourself," he says. "You know you would have made a killing in the Capital. Money, jewels, you name it.

"I don't have any use for jewels and I have more money than I need. What about you?" I ask.

"Oh I haven't dealt with anything as common as money in years," he says.

"Then how do people pay for the pleasure of your company?" I ask him. He gets real close and whispers in my ear.

"Secrets," he says. "What about you Girl on fire? Any secrets worth my time?"

"Nope," I say turning to him. "I'm an open book. Everyone seems to know my secrets before I do."

"I'm afraid that's true," he says He stands over me and pats my stomach. "So sorry to hear about the wedding." And with that he passes me and I hear him greet someone.



I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn around to be met with Peeta's blue eyes.

"What did Finnick want?" he asks.

"To know all my secrets," I say.

"He'll have to get in line," he says smirking.

"That's the weird part," I say. "He already knows."

"About the you know what?" Peeta asks and I nod. "How?"

"I have no idea but as he left he patted my bump through the dress and said sorry about the wedding," I say.

"Just stay away from him," Peeta says. I nod and Cinna walks up with a small button that could fit in the palm of your hand.

"This time, no smiling or waving. Look strait ahead and act like this is all below you," I nod happily.

"Oh yes," I say. "That will be very easy for me." Cinna hands the button Peeta.

"Press that once you are out of the gates to make sure you have enough power for the whole parade," he says and Peeta nods.

As we wait, I look around and laugh at some of the failed attempts to copy Cinna's fire idea. The lighted suits for District 3 make sense at least. They make a lot of the technologies for the Capitol. But I can't control the laugh when I look at District 10, who produce the livestock for the districts and Capitol.

"What's so funny?" Peeta asks.

"District 10's cows look like they are trying to broil themselves!" I say.

"Why would they use flaming belts to add flare? Is there nothing else they could have done," Peeta says trying to suppress a chuckle. District 1's chariots start to move and Peeta takes my hand.

"Are we allowed to do that?" I ask.

"I think Cinna left that up to us," Peeta says. Our chariot starts to move forward and I look at Peeta on last time.

"Looks like its showtime," I say. And as I look strait ahead and ignore the crowds screams for attention, I don't think I've ever felt more like myself in the Capitol.

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