Chapter 12: Katniss

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Most of the crowd is up on their feet, begging for a change. I have to admit, they are huge hypocrites. Its fine for them to send children as young as twelve into the arena for seventy four years but the instant that they are sending the mother of an unborn child in, they don't like it anymore.

Peeta comes back to stand beside me. He pulls me into a hug and gently rubs my back. We pull away and the anthem starts blaring, trying to drown out the enraged crowd. Peeta gently takes my hand and I look over to Chaff, who stands next to me. I grab the stub that remains of his hand he lost in the games and raise both my arms in the air.

Little by little, the others also join their hands and raise them. Some right away, like Wiress and the Morphlings from District 6. Others, like the Careers, take their time. We all unite our raised hands to shoe that we will not stand for this and the lights are suddenly turned out.

Peeta grabs my arm and leads me to the elevator. Johanna and Finnick try to follow us for some reason but the doors close before they can enter the elevator.

"Do I have to apologize for anything?" Peeta asks.

"No," I say. "You did everything exactly right."

"Do you think they'll stop the games?" he asks. "They seemed pretty angry."

"No," I say. "They enjoy bloodshed far too much to get rid of it for one pregnant girl. Heck! Cecilia from 8 will leave three kids behind."

"Maybe none of us will fight," he says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"If all of us go in there and nobody goes after anyone," he says.

"You know that's not gonna happen," I say.

"Yeah," he says. "I just wish it could be." The elevator doors open to reveal Haymitch and Effie. I know that this is goodbye and I feel tears in my eyes as Effie hugs me.

"Oh Katniss," she cries softly. "You would have made the most beautiful bride and an absolutely amazing mother."

"Thank you Effie," I say as she pulls away. She turns to Peeta and hands him a gold pendant. I also notice a golden bangle that looks like a flame adorning Haymitch's wrist. I turn to him and smirk.

"Any last advice?" I ask him.

"Stay Alive," he says. I smile at the old joke and he surprisingly pulls me into a hug."Be careful out there sweetheart. Remember who the real enemy is." I pull away confused but he just turns away and leaves with Effie. Peeta looks at me and I notice how much I'm shaking.

"Do you want to stay in my room tonight?" he asks. I nod.

"Yes," I say. "I really don't want to be alone right now." He wraps an arm around me and leads me towards his room. He lets me take a shower first and I curl up on top of the sheets while I wait for him. I must fall asleep because I feel him gently lift me up and pull the covers over me as he sets me inside the bed. I blink open my eyes and he smiles at me.

"Sorry I woke you," he says.

"It's okay," I say. "I'm not that tired anyway."

"But you need all the sleep you can get right now, Kitten. I know you haven't slept well these last few nights," he says.

"You know I'm not gonna come out this time," I say.

"Yes you are," he says. " and the baby are gonna get out and live an amazing life."

"Peeta, the training score of twelve already put a big enough target on my back," I say. "Now they all know I'm carrying a child. They are all gonna be after me now."

"I'm not going to let them get close to you," he says. "I'm not letting them kill you."

"I know you won't," I say. "But there is an extremely high chance that I'm not coming home. You need to understand that."

"I'm never gonna believe anything other than you coming home," he says. "And I really don't want to talk about you dying."

"I don't want to be allies with anyone in there but you," I say. He lays down beside me and I curl my body closer to his. I start looking closely at the pendant around his neck and notice its a Mockingjay, very much like my pin.

"If that's what you want, that is completely fine with me," he says. He gently kisses my forehead and rests his hand gently on my stomach, protecting our child from the night. "Now try to get some sleep. I'm right here and you have absolutely nothing to worry about." I lay my head on his chest and am lulled to sleep by his heartbeat and the gentle strokes of his fingers through my hair.

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