chapter 4: Silent Longings

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Meera and Rani sat together in Meera's room, surrounded by textbooks and notebooks, their determined expressions mirrored in the soft glow of the desk lamp. They were deep in practice for the upcoming math Olympiad, determined to their skills and make a strong showing in the competition.

"Okay, let's tackle this problem together," Meera said, her voice filled with determination as she pointed to a particularly challenging math question in their practice workbook.

Rani nodded eagerly, her eyes bright with excitement. "I'm ready, Meera. Let's do this!"

With focused concentration, Meera and Rani began to work through the problem, their pencils flying across the pages as they calculated and reasoned their way to a solution. They debated strategies and exchanged ideas, each drawing on their own strengths to overcome the obstacles they encountered.

As they worked, Meera couldn't help but admire Rani's sharp intellect and quick thinking, her friend's insights adding depth and clarity to their problem-solving process. Together, they made a formidable team, their determination and passion fueling their progress.

After what felt like hours of intense concentration, Meera and Rani finally arrived at a solution, a triumphant grin spreading across their faces as they exchanged high-fives.

"We did it, Meera!" Rani exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride. "That problem didn't stand a chance against us."

Meera smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her. "You're right, Rani. We make a great team."

With renewed confidence, Meera and Rani dove back into their practice session, ready to tackle the next challenge that lay ahead. Together, they were unstoppable, their determination and dedication propelling them ever closer to their goal of success in the math Olympiad.


In the school

Meera and Rani found a quiet corner of the school courtyard to enjoy their lunch together.

As Meera and Rani unwrapped their lunch boxes, the delicious aroma of aaloo ke parathe filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing scent of Rani's pasta. Meera couldn't help but smile as she took a bite of her favorite homemade dish, savoring the familiar flavors of home.

"These parathas are so good, Meera!" Rani exclaimed between bites of her pasta. "Your mom really knows how to make them just right."

Meera grinned, a hint of pride in her voice. "Thanks, Rani. I'll be sure to tell her you said so."

Their conversation soon turned to lighter topics, as they reminisced about funny incidents from past math classes and shared jokes about their classmates. Laughter filled the air as they swapped stories, the camaraderie between them strengthening with each passing moment.

But amidst the laughter and light-hearted banter, Rani couldn't resist teasing Meera about Lakshya, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, Meera, do you think Lakshya will be impressed by your math skills in the Olympiad?" she teased, winking playfully at her friend.

Meera felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the mention of Lakshya, but she couldn't help but laugh along with Rani. "Who knows, Rani? Maybe I'll surprise everyone, including Lakshya," she replied, a hint of determination in her voice.

"And why not?" Rani chimed in, her tone encouraging. "You've been working so hard for this, Meera. I have no doubt that you'll prove everyone wrong and show them just how capable you are."

As Meera and Rani continued their lunchtime conversation, Meera couldn't help but notice Lakshya engrossed in his math workbook at a nearby table, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tackled complex equations.

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