Chapter 25 : Maya's Dilemma

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Maya's pov

As I sit there, staring blankly at the physics textbook in front of me, a sigh of frustration escapes my lips. The equations seem to dance mockingly on the pages, and I can't help but question my life choices—why on earth did I choose Science in 11th grade?

Dropping my pen, I lean my head down on the desk, burying my face in my arms. “What was I even thinking at that time?” I mutter to myself, feeling the weight of my decisions.

“I wrote my own destruction with these hands.”

Huffing, I sit back up, resigned. I can’t do anything about it now. I have to live with this choice. And let’s be clear—I took Science because I have a genuine interest in Biology.

And no, it’s not what some of you might think; I actually find it fascinating.

But Physics and Chemistry? They just baffle me.

Just as I’m about to give up and close my books, I hear a knock on my door. “Come in,” I call out, not moving from my slouched position.

The door creaks open, and my mom pokes her head through, a teasing sparkle in her eye. “My princess is studying? Am I dreaming?”

“Mom!” I shout, annoyance flickering through me, but she just chuckles.

“I was just joking, my baby. I came to tell you that we’ve been invited to Lakshya’s home for dinner. You will come, right?”

At the mention of Lakshya’s name, my frustrations seem to melt away, replaced by an eager smile. “Yes, I will come,” I reply instantly, my mood lifting.

She smiles and nods, pulling back from the doorway. “Alright, get ready in an hour. Don’t take too long,” she says before leaving, her steps light against the floor.

As the door shuts, my thoughts drift to Lakshya—sweet, understanding Lakshya—who never fails to brighten my day. Just the prospect of seeing him brings a warm glow to my heart, and suddenly, the Physics problems on my desk don’t seem quite so daunting anymore. I know tonight will be a good night.

I slipped into a simple yet chic dress and fastened my shoes, then hurried downstairs where my parents were ready to leave. We climbed into the car—Dad at the wheel, Mom beside him, and I in the back seat. Lakshya's house was a mere fifteen-minute drive from ours. Upon arrival, his parents welcomed us with open arms.

"How are you, my bacha?" Auntie greeted me, cupping my cheeks with a warm smile.

"I'm fine, my sweet Auntie," I giggled, playfully pinching her cheek in response. She chuckled, delighted by the affectionate exchange.

We settled onto the sofa as the elders dove into their own conversations. Curiosity and impatience bubbling within me, I seized an opportune lull to ask, "Can I go to Lakshya’s room?"

Uncle grinned and nodded. "Yes, you can. Just make sure you come back down for dinner after a while," he said kindly.

I nodded eagerly and made my way to Lakshya's room. Remembering my manners, I knocked on the door softly.

"Come in," Lakshya called from inside.

I pushed the door open silently and spotted him at his desk, deeply engrossed in his notebook. I tiptoed over and covered his eyes with my hands from behind, hoping to surprise him.

He sighed, a playful tone in his voice, "Always with the old tricks, Maya?"

I removed my hands and pouted. "How do you always know it's me?"

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