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"Dear lord." Jay pressed his fingers against his forehead as I charged at him with the empty bottle of vodka.

I didn't even manage to touch him with the bottle, he simply grabbed my hand and twist me around, then proceeded to hold both my hands behind my back as if I was handcuffed.

"She never learns." Eunhye gave a chuckle as I pressed my lips into a thin line, Jay was stood directly behind me, holding my two wrists in his one hand.

"Nope, not at all." Jay gave a smile, I just knew he was having the time of his life right now.

"So.. how come you two are all dressed up - and came together." One of the guys, Inguk inquired, looking at us both suspiciously. Matter of fact they were all looking at us suspiciously.

"Will you behave?" Jay lowly whispered, and I didn't want to say yes or nod my head, I'm just that petty, sorry.

Instead I stayed silent, to which he gave a sigh.

"Yeah, I thought you two hated each other." Go-eun's words slowed down as she squinted her eyes at us suspiciously.

"Oh for sure nothing has changed. I still hate this motherfucker - maybe even more." I scoffed, Jay squeezed his hand over my wrist tighter.

"She loves me." Jay laughed. I was not having a good time, he would not let go of my wrists, and the proximity between us was literally barely anything.

"Hey Inguk, can you pour some of that alcohol in my mouth, some fucker has my hands together." I looked over at him as he took the bottle off the table, coming over to me with it, a huge smile crossing his face.

"You have a prisoner? For what crime?" Inguk laughed, looking at me and then at Jay. The two were laughing - I was not.

"She's escaped the mental asylum, that's what." Jay replied, to which I just pressed my lips together, not amused at all.

"Alright, here you go, forget about your problems." Inguk began to pour the alcohol into my mouth straight from the bottle, and to be honest, I completely forgot how to even drink. He ended up pouring waaay too much than I could swallow, and half of the bottle ended up running down my neck, down over my dress.

"Oh my god, fuck you too." I had a smile on my face, at this point, Jay finally released his prisoner, letting my hands free.

"I hope she's not driving." Mina watched me head towards the table to grab a tissue, dabbing it on the wet spots of alcohol running down my neck.

"Chaos, she's a disaster, does anybody want to take her home instead?" Jay sat on the sofa beside one of his old school friends.

There was silence in the house, and I furrowed my brows, standing upright and looking at them all.

"Rude as hell." I pointed to them all, then proceeding to take a whole bottle of alcohol for myself.

Whew, I had forgotten how good it felt to live like this. I can finally drink since I'm not driving anywhere and I'm not going anywhere.

"So then what's up with you two? Why has she turned into a raging alcoholic?" Seokhoon watched me sit on the floor beside the table, just taking swig after swig of the bottle.

"I wish I knew." Jay chuckled, just watching me with such a proud smirk, "Maybe that thing sat on the ground could tell you."

I shot my head to look at him, giving him a nasty glare, taking another sip of the bottle. It was burning my throat at the rate I was drinking, but did I care - nope.

"Fuckboy forced me into a contract to be his fake girlfriend - you don't even wanna know what I've had to suffer through." I dramatically clutched at my heart, everybody widening their eyes and dropping their jaws.

"Okay - let me clarify - not forced, she agreed wholeheartedly." Jay shook his head with a smile.

"I think I'm gonna die, his parent's friends or whatever - they hate me. Seriously, why can't you just put up with Hyojin." The liquor was already going to my brain, and instead of being normal, I began laying on the floor.

I was just in a dress, drinking straight liquor from the bottle, while laying on the floor complaining about Jay.

"Hyojin?" Eunhye asked, wondering who that was, as did everyone else, "Whaaat, Jay has a little admirer?"

He gave a groan, clearly irritated with my big mouth.

"Weren't we here to discuss the wedding plan? Italy? Hello?" Jay changed the topic swiftly, and that actually surprisingly worked.

Lucky you I guess.

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actWhere stories live. Discover now