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I shot my head to see who entered, and to my own surprise, it was Eunhye. She ran over to us, breathless as she looked at my dress.

"I thought you got lost or something, jesus, you were gone for so long, turns out you're here with Jay." She put her hands on her thighs, catching her breath as she glanced at the two of us.

"Wait a minute, you're with Jay?" Eunhye stood upright, looking at the two of us in confusion. And I just grimaced lightly, wondering what to say.

But before I could even think of anything to say, Jay spoke first.

"Pfft, as if, I'd never be caught dead with that thing." Jay scoffed, flashing me a glance of tease, he knew fine well he didn't mean a thing he said, but he said it solely to tease me.

I shot him a nasty glare, looking back at Eunhye.

"Yeah yeah, fuck you too." I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes playfully as Eunhye gave a chuckle.

"Good to know that you two still absolutely despise each other, I'll probably never live to see the day where you two have a civil conversation." She added, her eyes looking at the stain on my dress.

"Are you gonna be okay with that on your dress? I'm really sorry again Sarang." She apologised once more and I just gave her a light smile as Jay looked at my dress.

"I'm probably just gonna head back to the hotel, not a big fan of parties anyways." I reassured her, and as I glanced over at Jay, he looked me with such a smug look in his eyes.

His eyebrow partially raised, as if to say, 'you're going back to the hotel?'

"Oh, alright then, well, come back if you change your mind!! Jay are you coming?" Eunhye glanced over at Jay who just struggled to think of an answer.

"Uh, yeah, later, I'll be there soon." He responded, and through his face alone, I could tell he was lying straight through his teeth.

Eunhye nodded with a bright smile, spinning back round and heading out of the hallways, back towards where the whole party was.

"You're going back to the hotel?" Jay asked me verbally this time, and I just chuckled.

"Don't get no perverted ideas." I began walking towards the exit of the venue, Jay following to the side of me.

"Wow, you think I'm that kind of guy? I see, I see alright." Jay scoffed jokingly, pretending to be offended over my remark.

"Who knows what can come out of your mouth. 'I'd never be caught with that thing." I quoted his own words, to which he just gave a small laugh.

He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me slightly closer to him.

"Oh you know I love you Sarang, my favourite girl." His words almost caused me to combust from the inside, but despite that feeling inside, I had to retort back with equal energy.

"Yeah, I love you too, my third favourite boy." I pressed my lips tightly trying to stop myself from smiling too hard.

Jay shot his head to look at me, bewildered from my comment.

"Third?? Not even second?? But third????" He scoffed, taking his arm off me and crossing his arms, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Whoops sorry, did I say third? I meant fourth." I laughed to myself, seeing how offended he was pretending to be.

"Jesus christ, how did I manage to fall in love with you." Jay had a smile on his face, still pretending to be upset over my words, but you could clearly tell he didn't really care.

"I'm an irresistible girl, what can I say, it's called Sarang charm." I flipped my hair behind my shoulder as he opened the door to his car for me.

I sat inside, and before he closed the door, he looked at me with a smirk.

"If it were socially acceptable to throw my shoe at you, trust me, I would've done it ages ago." And with that he shut the door, leaving me to just scoff to myself.


We reached the hotel together, and to be honest, it was like a game of cat and mouse, the two of us kept just teasing and joking along with each other - Jay was still hung up on the fact that I jokingly called him my fourth favourite boy.

"What rank would he be?" He pointed over to some random man talking to someone, and I just stared at him, rolling my eyes as we stepped in the elevator.

"Are you being serious?" I stared at him, unbelievable guy.

"I bet he's like third, or whatever." He rolled his eyes, he was so salty, and I found that funny.

The doors pinged open, and as we walked over to our rooms, I stopped Jay from entering his room.

"Jay." I called his name, he turned around, wondering what I wanted. I approached him gently, cupping his cheeks in my hands and pulling his face slightly closer to mine.

"Stop being so salty, you should know you're my favourite boy." I chuckled, following it up with a kiss on his lips.

Safe to say he was no longer salty for the remainder of the week in Italy.

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