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"I am NOT going, not with that old man and his crazy ass daughter there." I insisted while Jay was dragging me by the wrist towards the front of his house.

"Damn this girl is strong as hell." Jay mumbled to himself with a chuckle, "Come on, it's like an hour max, it's not like he's gonna throw a plate at you."

"Yes he is!! And that Hyojin motherfucker will stab forks through me." I kept trying to set myself free from his grasp as he continuously dragged me towards the front of his house.

I grasped onto walls and edges of doors as if it were to save my life. Unfortunately, my strength was no match for this guy.

He thought this was a funny game, I did not.

"Ah seriously Sarang, what can they do seriously? It's not like we're fake dating, we're an actual couple now, what are they gonna do about that?" Jay chuckled, finally stopping with dragging my ass through rooms.

Mistakenly, I let my guard down, not resisting anymore and just looking at him.

"Oh hell no, it's gonna be so awkward, I can just imagine how it's gonna go down." I shuddered, Hyojin will probably light a cigarette and throw it at me, I'll be burnt to a crisp by the end of the dinner.

"Alright alright, how about this, if Hyojiin starts throwing forks at you, I'll start dishing plates at her like a fucking ninja." Jay was really amused by how much I was resisting. We were probably already late for the dinner, but do you think I even cared the slightest?

"Jay pleaaasseeee, just this onceeeee." I pleaded with my life, even being respectful.

His eyes scanned across my face, a smile plastered on his face as he lightly shook his head in disbelief.

"Fine, alright." He gave in, or so I thought he did. And by hearing his agreeal, I shot my head to look at him with the brightest grin ever.

"Really?" I smiled widely, thank god I have a boyfriend who'll respect my choices.

"Nope, let's go." Jay swiftly dragged me out of the house successfully, I couldn't even resist because by the time I realised what was going on, the car door was already open.

Damn it, nevermind. Respectful boyfriend my ass.


I groaned, heading up to his parent's house. I could already feel the bad vibes omitting from the entire place, and I hadn't even stepped in yet.

The two guards situated outside of the house were still there, faced forward and not even glancing at us once.

We walked closer, just like the first time I had a meal at his parent's house.

"Could you at least act a bit happy?" Jay laughed, looking at how devastated I looked right now.

"I can't, especially after you cheated on me for the fifth time now." I spoke, one of the guards choking on thin air after hearing my comment.

Jay just gave a sigh, then followed with a small smile.

"Looks like we need to up the dosage of your meds." He shook his head as we both stepped inside, I had a bright smile on my face - no matter what - teasing Jay will always never fail to make me laugh.

"Fifth time now? Last time I cheated on you twice, and now it's five times? Jesus christ." Jay shook his head with a smirk, I knew he found this funny too.

We stepped into the dining hall, where all of them were sat, including Hyojin and her father.

"Jay! Sarang!!" Jay's mother came and approached us, giving us both a bow as we proceeded to sit down.

The start of the meal was quite awkward, a few awkward conversations, and many awkward silences.

"So you two are actually dating now?" Hyun-bin inquired, a topic that caused everyone to look up.

"Yeah, so I'd appreciate if you kept insults about Sarang to yourself." Jay retort back defensively.

Hyun-bin just gave a sigh, placing his utensils to the sigh and shaking his head.

"I apologise." Hyun-bin began, looking down to his plate and then up at me, "Sarang, I shouldn't have disrespected you and your career like that."

I was listening, I looked at him, curious to what else he had to say.

"You saved my life, and I never even thanked you for it. Thanks to you, I live another day, and see my beautiful wife and daughter. I was raised in a traditional household, so with that, I raised Hyojin with traditional upbringing." He gave another sigh, "I suppose I thought that I could get everything in my life with money, but I see that you and Jay truly love each other, and making Hyojin marry Jay wouldn't end well." 

I still stared at him as he spoke.

"I understand completely it may be impossible to forgive someone like me, but truly from the sincerest point of my heart, I apologise to you Sarang - and you Jay, for giving you a hard time." Hyun-bin gave his apology, and to be honest, it shocked me to how well articulated it was.

Maybe that surgery really jumbled his brain cells in the right way.

A silence followed the table for a second, waiting for my response. 

I looked up at Hyun-bin with a sigh.

"Mr Son, it's okay." I gave a small smile, "I forgive you." 

He looked up at me, bewildered to how fast I accepted his apology, Jay looked at me too, a small yet proud smile on his face.

"So what do we say? Cheers to the everlasting relationship of Jay and Sarang?" Jay's father brought his glass up, all of us clanking the glasses together.

I turned to look at Jay, he stared at me with a smile.

"I love you Sarang." Jay quietly told me, proceeding to take a sip of his drink afterwards.

It was really crazy how someone you hated for years on end, could become such a crucial part of your life.


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