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"DR LEE! OVER HERE, ANOTHER VICTIM OF THE ACCIDENT. SIXTY EIGHT YEAR OLD MAN, HYPOTENSION AND PUNCTURED WOUNDS THROUGH ORGANS." The paramedic dragged the man over, the nurses hurriedly rushing to take him to the operating room.

It was a very busy past hour, there were many people suffering injuries, people who were severely wounded, surgeries left, right, centre. And unfortunately, two deaths.

The wards were packed with people, most of the hospital beds were pretty much took up, which made me wonder, how the fuck did an accident of this grand even manage to happen.

Nonetheless, I head over to the operating room, doing the standard thing surgeons usually do - washing my hands and sanitising everything.

I was in a huge hurry, there were more people to treat afterwards, but obviously, priorities first.

I put my gloves on, mask and tied my hair up, covering it with a surgical cap. I head into the room where the man was laying, unconscious, and from what I could see, horrendously injured.

I came closer, beginning to prep for the surgery - and something was weird. I dart my head to look at his face once again, and looked at it closer.

Oh? What a coincidence, it was actually, Mr Son.

Hyun-bin was laying before me, in a pretty critical stance too. His vitals were dropping, the monitor was paced irregularly, it was all a matter of time before he could possibly die.

I wasn't going to let a grudge kill a man, so I began for surgery.

His wounds were actually so bad, and as I was operating on him, I actually wasn't sure if he was going to make it out fine.

Well, one thing is that if he does actually die, his family will hate me forever, and so will Jay's. So.. he better make it out alive whether he likes it or not.

Mid way through the surgery, everything was actually going decent, up until out of nowhere, his blood pressure spiked high, the monitor beeping hurriedly.

The nurses acted immediately, trying to lower his blood pressure, but it was a little too late, and he started to suffer from a stroke.

I panicked, hurrying and trying to stop him from convulsing. The monitor was beeping so loudly and fast, the nurses were running around trying to help me stop him, his body was seizing on my operating table, and I tried absolutely everything.

We tried the defibrillator, sending electric impulses to him, and although his body jittered, and for a slight second his heart beat came back, it faded out again.

Everything I possibly could do, the monitor went silent, a monotone, continuous line across the screen.

I looked down, pressing my lips as the room went silent. I checked the time.

"Time of dea-"

But before I could even finish, the monitor spiked back up, his heart rate coming back, slow but he was actually alive.

I looked at the nurses, who looked as equally as confused yet relieved at the same time. I was actually bewildered over this, did he just get ressurected?

Regardless, I continued with the surgery after stabilising his vitals - damn - this fucker was clearly eager to live.


The remainder of the surgery thankfully went well, and successful too. I stared at his body on the table after finishing, in a little daze of my own. He was fine, the monitor was fine, his vitals were fine and he was breathing on his own, living on his own.


To think that I just saved a man's life, and he doubted my career and had the audacity to call me 'unclassy' and not a suitable candidate to be a girlfriend.

Well, I bet it'll send him into cardiac arrest when I tell him that I've held his organs in my hands. Wonder how he'll like that one.

"Dr Lee?" One of my nurses snapped me out of my daze, "Is he ready for recovery?" She looked at me, wondering why I was so out of it today.

I turned my head to look at her, nodding briefly and leaving his side. I washed my hands, watching as they took him away on a bed, attached to several monitors and other instruments.

I can't wait to go home and just sit and do nothing. 

As I was washing my hands, the door to the operating room opened, revealing Head of Surgery, Soohyun. I looked over at him, he had his attention focused to someone behind him.

Shortly afterwards, another figure joined him.

"Sarang! I heard the guy flatlined and came back to life!" Soohyun came up to me, patting me on my shoulder as my eyes focused onto the one figure coming into the room.

Jay, in his scrubs, stood staring at me with such a smug grin.

"Yeah, was about to time his death and suddenly he just came back to life." I crossed my arms, not looking at Jay a single bit - sure - he looked fine as hell in those scrubs, maybe I was going insane, but I swear he did - but I wasn't going to show that.

"You're our best surgeon, seriously, absolutely unbelievable." He clapped with a wide smile, "This is Park Jongseong, he's a surgeon from another clinic, but offered to help. I know him for a long time, so trust him, okay?"

I just glared at Jay.

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