Chapter VIII: The Masks That Lie (Part II)

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(Hey there! I just wanted to give you a heads-up that this chapter is a bit longer than the previous ones. But don't worry, I've put in some extra effort to make it enjoyable for you.)

The team, led by Charlotte and Zephyrina, track down this antique lady by asking the locals.

"Um hello, we are looking for a lady who sells antiques around here. Have you heard about her?" asks Zephyrina to a flower seller on the roadside.

"No, Your Highness. I have not known in my life about an antique seller. I am very sorry"

They continued asking many people for any idea about this mysterious lady. Very few people had a clue or so. 

"Umm yes, I think I might know her whereabouts. She lives in a very suffocating, small town where all the people sell and buy luxurious goods. Take a left at the riverside to reach a short stretch of woods. Then you can see an arch that begins at the entrance of that town." Said an old lady who was taking her dog for a walk.

"Thank you, grandma. How do you possibly know about all this?" asked Sebastian. Zephyrina glared at him for asking an innocent old woman all these unwanted questions.

"Oh dear Prince, my daughter wanted an art piece for her new home so she and I took a stroll to one of the stores in that town. That is how I know." The old lady smiled warmly at them and continued walking her dog.

"Okay so, the plan is to find that lady and ask her everything about the mess our people are in." Said Zephyrina, out of breath.

The group of six people took three bicycles from their common morning garden. Charlotte and Zephyrina sat together, Sebastian and Julian on the other cycle and Viola and Natasha on the other.

They rode line-by-line by the pond and across the short green woods, then finally reached this mysterious town full of chatter and metal clinking noises.

They entered the town and the townspeople watched a glimpse of the six royals who entered their town without any guards or notice.

"Here the royals come, for god has blessed us with luck, fortune and a great amount of money!" exclaimed a man throwing his arms in the air.

"Oh yes, dear lord! For I have seen the royals for the first time in forever. My life shall be blessed from here on." Shouted a lady who was peeping through the window of a shop.

"Oh no.. guys, look at yourselves" Whispered Zephyrina

"Dear lord, we are dressed way too fancy for this current 'occasion'." Replied Sebastian

"Um, let's do one thing. I'll go and ask if anyone knows about the lady." Stated Viola.

Everyone nodded. Charlotte had a mild scared expression on her face. She bit her lip due to anxiety.

Viola walked toward a middle-aged man and started the conversation.

"Um hello sir, do you know any woman here who deals with antiques?" She asked.

"Your Royal Highness, yes I do know a woman who sells and imports antiques. Why do you ask, madam?" He replied.

"May I know where she is and most importantly, her name?" 

"Oh, Your Highness, her name is Adelaine Blackwood and she lives a bit far from where we are right now." 

"Do you know about her family, or whatever she has done until now?" 

"Your Highness-" 

"Please don't keep saying 'Your Highness". You can simply start your words just like you talk with your fellow mates."

"Okay Your-... Yes, so Madam Adelaine lives by the end of the town, which is approximately four Kilometers away from here. Her shop is nearby, just a walk of a minute or two."

"Hm.. go on."

"The Blackwood family has a history of finding and selling old precious antiques to the outside world and preferably, selling it to the rich people and the royals. She is the fourth and the second-last child of her parents and she is the only one who is carrying on her caste of dealing with antiques."

"Woaahh... How do you know all that?"

"She is my wife's best friend. She comes over to our house every day and I hear them talk about their jobs and family caste and all that."

"Thanks anyway, sir. Also, can you lead us towards her current location? We need to question her right away"

"May I ask why?"

"It's something you'll never want to know about, sir"

"Follow me."

Viola turned back to her group and gestured for them to follow her.

The group followed Viola and the man toward a very shaggy treehouse.

"This is Adelaine Blackwood's Warehouse. She might be in there cleaning her new piece of antique. Shout out her name. See you royals later!" The man walked away in a bicycle parked near the treehouse.

The group looked at each other in confusion.

"Viola, you are responsible if we get hurt or anything being here okay?" Stated Julian.

"Um hello? Miss Adelaine Blackwood?" yelled Zephyrina, hopefully loud enough for anyone inside a treehouse high up in the air to hear.

"Yes? Who is that oh dear." Yelled back a reply from the treehouse. It was Adelaine.

"Can we come up there?" Yelled Viola

"Who are these "we"?" 

"We are here to ask you something. Hopefully we get a good solution to SORT THE MESS YOU'VE MADE!" Screamed Sebastian. 

The whole group gave him a terrified look.

"You idiot! You didn't have to say that, brother" Whispered Zephyrina

Adelaine peeped through her door and gave the royals a disgusted look.

"Ogh come in anyway," growled Adelaine in her granny voice.

Zephyrina climbed up the creaky stairs 

Charlotte followed her. "Guys, the place is so small. Me and Zephyrina will stay in." Charlotte looked tense.

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"What do you girls want? Why are you dressed in- OHH you are Princesses!! My bad, I'm sorry please forGiVe mE wiLl YoU!" Chattered Adelaine.

"Ma'am, stop overacting. Also, we need to know about the masks you sent to my kingdom for the Grand Ball Festival."

"Are you the princess from kingdom Luminara? You are Zerph- Ziphi-"

"Zephyrina" she corrected the woman from getting her royal name wrong.

"And you, Princess Charco- What exactly is your name?" 


"Ahh... I have seen you somewhere before, last week, Oh YES! you came here and helped me transport these masks to her kingdom, eh? It's you right? Oh yes, it is you!"

"Charlotte... What?... Did you-"

"Yes, Zephyrina. I knew. I actually- let me tell you the entire story."

A tear rolled down Zephyrina's cheek.

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