Dreaming about Breaking through the Russian Siege

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Russian tanks surrounded a large garage that their opponents were taking cover inside of...

A tank driver ran back inside shouting, 

Its an Russian siege!

what do we do? should we surrender? we only have a Type-2 medium tank, A Panzer IV Ausf F And a Hetzer. And to top it off not only are we under enemy siege, we aren't used to fighting in the snow!

Calm down and take a drink from your flasks, we aren't going to surrender, We are going to come up with a battle plan to counter the Russian siege and win this fight.

The American tank troops and infantry units took a drink from their flasks as instructed and formed a circle with the unit commander and he laid out a large sheet of paper and began to discus battle plans with his troops.

As one hour passed by, the tank troops were repairing their tanks with the help of the engineer units of the infantry unit troops.

A messenger from the enemy walked into the area where the Allies were at and immediately took notice of how new their tanks looked and they knew the answer to their question,

No, we will NEVER surrender!

Sarge steps forward to the messenger and said, we will fight until we die! Tell your commander that we WILL break through their Siege and destroy any of their unit that gets in our way!

The messenger bites their lip before turning around and leaving the building and returning to their commander to relay Sarge's message.

Sarge climbs on top of the panzer and said, alright troops! form up! its time to discuss the battle plan once more.

After everyone gathered in front of Sarge, He said, since we aren't used to fighting in these weather conditions, I added a voice module guide to help you as you fight. now for the battle plan, Sarge jumped down, off of the panzer and opened a detailed map and pointed out circled locations and pointed to each one saying, I want the Hetzer to be at a sniping distance from the enemy heavy, deal as much damage as you can. If your spotted, go to this spot here and wait for the Type 2 unit to arrive, if they don't arrive in ten minutes go hide at this final spot. but this one is very dangerous because it leads right back to where we are now.

As for the Type 2 unit, after the Hetzer is out of sight from the siege, you and the first airborne battalion will head West and lead the left side of the enemy forces away from the siege formation. The APC will provide the Type two with cover from enemy fire. Once you reach area F one on the map, turn your turret eighty degrees and fire three shells then move to area D 6 and try to avoid taking any fire from there.

I'll take the Panzer and wait until both sides are clear before I make my move. Once I start moving, I'll head toward area A-7 and Shoot my way to what's left of the heavy tank and destroy it myself with an Armor piercing Shot.

Does everybody understand their roles?

Yes Sir!

Does everyone know what it is that they're supposed to do!?

Yes Sir!

Good! now gear up! we're about to head out! remember the plan! Hetzer, sneak out from the backside! and find their heavy! Type 2 unit, Armorer personal Carriers! load up and get ready! you're about to be up next!

Rodger that, Sarge!

The Type 2 unit and escorts are both ready to move out!

Good! Make sure your communication module is online while you are able to!

communication module...

My communication module is online sir!

Hetzer is retreating to E-4! we dealt a lot of damage to their T-35 but they spotted us as we were reloading!

Alright, good job, keep me posted Hetzer!

Well Type 2 units, its your turn now. Remember to stick to the plan and everything will work out in the end for us.

Type 2 unit, Move out!

Sarge climbed into the panzer and waited for the siege formation to split up before he fired several rounds into the center row, destroying them and then he drove east towards E-8 which is where the T-35 was coming from.

He picks up the communication module radio and asks, how is everyone? you guys still kicking?

Type 2 responded saying, This is Type 2 unit, we barely pulled it off but we did it.

This is Hetzer, we're just fine, thanks to your great planning, Sarge.

Sarge sighed in relief then said, good, drinks are on me tonight if we pull this thing off. Hey Hetzer? how many more shots would you say that T-35 need to take before its taken out?

Hetzer's radio was static for a moment then they said, probably just one shell, Sarge.

We did a real number on them seeing as how slow both their turret and movement speed was.

Sarge picks up the radio and said, change of plans, Hetzer, how close are are you to your first assigned position?

Hetzer replies saying, not that far, I take it you want me to return to it?

Sarge says, that's right. The T-35 isn't moving an inch, something fishy is going on here.

Type 2, is your module sat viewer working? if so, mark A-9 with it and tell me what you see.

Type 2 here, they are just playing cards and drinking. I guess they got sick of waiting and decided to get out of the tank and-

That's Enough!

How dare they not take this seriously!

If they won't then...

I will!

Panzer! Fire!

the panzer fired an armor piercing round at the T-35 and won the match.

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