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Now! Commander ise! The tankery tournament will run like this!

The tournament has four branches: The British University of Matilda, The German school of advanced Armory, The Russian school of Katyusha, and us, The American school, Sherman academy.

There will be eight rounds each. giving each school at least one more chance to get payback on the school the lost to, as well as depleting a point to the losing team and giving it to the winning team. if a teams heavy tank is defeated, the opposing team wins the match.

Ise looked down liked he was zoned out and the council president asks him, Hey Ise! you still with us commander? you look like you've just been dazed inside of a tank from a nearby shell explosion. 

Ise flinches and said, yeah I'm fine, I've been briefed on the rules already before I was transferred here. ... President, have you... been in a tank before? She blinks at the question and said, figures you wouldn't know. I come from a long family line of tank gunners. but... Ise looked at her and said, I see, I won't press the matter further. I was just going to offer you for a ride with me in my panzer around campus to clear our minds. but I'll drop it for now. 

She stood up quickly, knocking things around on her desk and said, I don't mind! I se crossed his arms and said, you have preparations to make, don't you? He put five folded pieces of paper on her desk and said, hopefully they're still like my brothers and I left them.

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