The Panzer Division

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Ise was working in the garrison maintaining the panzers tracks when his phone received a text. He ignored it and proceeded to work on the panzer until it went off again and he stood up and sighs before wiping his face with a towel and pulled his phone out from his pocket and turned it on. The first message was from Kagamine, he looked at it and reads it: Commander Ise has been added to the group chat. The second was a message from Amani, What should we call our squad? 

Ise turns off his phone and puts it away as a person who passed him said, you missed some treads commander, that could be bad on the field. It was A girl from the base that he occasionally chats with as he eats his MRE'S. Ise looked at her and said, short brown hair, brown eyes... Ashley! why are you here!? She looks at him and said, I love tankery! I'e always wanted to give it a shot! and... I heard that you're teaching it at Nakamura Highschool to keep it up and running? Ise sighed and said, yeah, sort of. we're in the phase of the vehicles being retrieved right now. The next step is to- Ashley interrupts him by saying: to find out what skill each student has after the vehicles are in working conditions again, right!? 

Ise crossed his arms and looked up at her and said, yeah, you seem to know a lot about this kind of stuff, Ashley.

She smiled and said, well tankery is in my blood. I come from a family that's Generation s come from tankery. What about you Ise? He looked at Ashley and pointed at himself asking, me? what about me do you want to know, Corporal? He returned to fixing his tank and said, Beth messed you up pretty hard today didn't she, Panzer?  Ashley observed the tank and said, your tank is an unmodified German Panzer IV if you put armor on the sides covering the tracks, you could save yourself some time, Sarge. Ise froze and said, even you... are calling me that now, Ashley... She put her hand on his shoulder and said, everything'll work out.  

He pulled out his phone and types in: how about, The Panzer Division

Three seconds passed by and each of the crew sent a thumbs up emoji and said: it's perfect!

The Panzer Division [Basic Training]Where stories live. Discover now