The Smell of Sweat and Oil

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Ise puts away his phone and heads back towards his panzer and continued its maintenance for the afternoon. 

After he finished checking everything, Ise climbs out of his tank and was met with both a towel and a bottled water and asks, The heck? Ashley giggles and said, you smell like oil and sweat, Ise. He turned off the radio and said, it's part of the works, those kids will have to get used to it if they want to keep their school open. 

Ashley took a sip from the bottled water and said, you're right about that, the girls you bonded with have already began to adjust, have you noticed it too, Ise? He took a sip from his beer and said, yeah, they really love being inside the panzer with me. 

Ashley jumps down off of the table and said, I've got reports to write, Have fun teaching them Commander. Ise picked up his Luger P38 handgun and tossed the empty bottle over the fence and shot it before stretching and sets up his sleeping booth next to the Panzer and lays down under the shade and closed his eyes...

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