Medium Tanks

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Ise looked up from the charts in his hands and at the students then shouts: Those who want to drive the APC's stand beside them! Twelve students from each club stood beside each APC and Ise adds, I will show you each a special battlefield technique for your vehicles when we are done. Also, once you choose your vehicle,  you are eternally connected with it, understand!? The girls marched one foot next to the other and soluted as they shouted, understood Sarge!

Ise pin spins as he reads through the list of recovered equipment and vehicles and flicks it up then caught it pointed at the Valente tanks and said, Next up are Medium Tank assignment.

Each second, third and first year from each classroom and club approaches the tanks and said, we will take the valentine tanks, commander ise! We've already decided a design for each one to along with an emblem and squad name!

Intrigued, ise said, very well, the tanks are yours then. I will train you after the light tanks training is finished.

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