In this Foreign Country

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Chapter 2

The flight to Maryland was not that long for time was just coming through me faster that I ever could imagine. As the stewardess announced that we have arrive to our destination all I can feel was nervousness and joy.... Joy, another new feeling maybe he can help me, I just simply smiled as I talk to myself.

I already prepared everything, even the littlest details of this trip; from the hotel where I would stay to the name I will only use use so he won't recognize me that fast. Yes, I don't intend to let Hannibal Lecter to know who I am really, I just want to see him and see if he is fine and if he forgotten about me totally and then I will go away and far from his grasp. I also bought a ticket to a famous Opera house in Baltimore because I know that this was his favorite place and I'm sure he will be in there and I intend to but a house in here so I will be more comfortable while I'm in here. Another good thing is that some of my colleagues are in here which made my visit a little easier and I know everything will fall into plan, this made me smile while walking outside into the airport and into the car that will take me to the hotel.

"Madamé, the schedule for the Opera in at 7:00 pm what time shall I take you there" asked the driver, which I think Julio was his name.

"We will go at 6:30, the Opera house is just blocks away right?" I asked and he just nodded


As I arrived, I was welcomed by the captivating view of the hotel, the good thing is before I made a reservation, I first made some searches that's why I'm sure this fits in my taste. As I enter I can't help but notice the people inside are looking at me, maybe it's because of what I was wearing or I think there's something on my face, oh well.

I approached the receptionist at the table which quickly put her phone down when she saw me.

"Miss De Lorienné, am I right?" She asked and I just nodded while I handed her my passport. She then typed in her computer that then handed my passport to me again. She excused herself and went into a room, when she got out she was already holding the hotel keycard.

"Here is the key to the penthouse Ms. De Lorienné, is you need any assistance please call us" She said as she handed me the card and smiled.

I smiled and thanked her then started to walk towards the elevator while my bags are being carried by one of they crew. The elevator dinged signaling that we've reached the top floor. I didn't realize that the penthouse was actually covering the whole top floor so it's obviously big for me but it's fine. I opened the door and let the man bring my bags inside the room, I'll just unpack later. I thank him and gave him his tip. He said his farewell and left. Alone again I stated to wander inside when my eyes caught the view of a piano, I smiled and walked towards it I then sat and touched the piano keys and started to play a piece of Ludwig van Beethoven: Fur Elise.

As my mind was slowly drifting of to the music I then started to reminisce my past, this piece is like my life it have different tempos, changing from a slow and soft sound then to a melody that can make your heart beat faster.

As I finished playing I slowly opened my eyes in content "I still can play well" I said to myself.

I then stood up and entered the bedroom to unpack, gently I started to unload each back and hanging my clothes in different order from my party dresses to the night gowns I wear when I go to bed.

My clothes are accurately intended for my month stay and if something special came up I can always run to the nearest mall. I unload another bag which revealed my variety of shoes for every occasion. I already prepared what I will wear for the Opera tonight so that I won't be running out of time and I will arrive in there just in time.

After that, I lay in bed and set the alarm clock an hour before my departure just to make sure and drifted of to sleep.


"I'm scared" I said as I felt that something was definitely wrong.

"Don't worry they won't take you" she said while smiling.

"Please don't let them take us okay?" I said, and I was already crying now. His brother was asleep and we're wide awake because it was raining hard outside and we can feel that it's getting colder now than the usual.

But suddenly somebody came....


"MISCHA!" I yelled as I awoke from my dream, I was sweating and tears are streaming from my face. Another memory again I thought to myself, I looked at the clock and saw that I awoke thirty minutes early than the time I plan to awake. Slowly I stood up and walked to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

I found out in the report Mr. Devion gave me that Mischa didn't survived, she died in there after they took her away from us.

After finally composing myself, I started to prepare for the opera. I then took a bath and when I was done I started to dry myself and wear the dress. I then started to fix my hair making sure that my blonde hair was perfectly combed and styled. I try not to put too much makeup to make my look natural, I was not ugly I'm actually good looking but not that pretty I put lipstick so it will match in my dress.

As I look in the mirror I can't help but smile I look magnificent. I then wear my heels and took the ticket and my purse and stated to walk towards the elevator feeling the confidence that I had never felt before.

As I got outside the hotel, Julio was already there and opened the car door for me.

"You look very stunning Ms. De Lorienné" he stated.

"Why thank you Julio" I said and got inside the car.

He was right, the ride to the Opera was just a few minutes away we arrived earlier than expected. The car door was opened by Julio and said that he will return after the show was over. A man then lead me inside and I was surprised that they are already many people inside there are some familiar faces I'm seeing but that particular person I'm searching is yet to be seen.

"Valeria?" Somebody called and then I saw Elizabeth, one of my colleague.

"Elizabeth?, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here" I said and she laughed.

"I think I should be the one who should be surprised, I never knew that you will finally have the time to come in here, the last time I heard from you is when you were in Pakistan" She stated and I just smiled.

"I'm definitely sorry about that, life had been quite tight quite frankly and I've been really busy" I said as I look at her.

"So what actually brings you here, because I know won't just come in a place without a reason" She said and laughed.

"You caught me alright, and to tell you the answer; yes I have a reason but before that I have to enjoy myself first am I right?" I said and she smiled back.

"Very well then, I shall accompany you Ms. De Lorienné to this enjoy myself moment" She said while copying my accent.

We then took our seats in front while waiting for the show to show start. I learned from her that some of our colleagues are also and here and there is something that she said that took my full attention.

"You should meet one of my friend, he is quite a famous psychiatrist" She said while we are looking at the stage. I then look at her and asked.

"May I ask, what is his name?" I said to her.
"Oh, I think you already heard his name.... " She said and looked at me.

"His name is Hannibal Lecter, he is here actually I will let you meet him later" She said and that made me smile even more, what a really small world.

"finally" I said to myself, just then the show had started. This will be quite a long evening.

The Ripper's Fair MaidenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora