Who Is Doctor Hannibal Lecter

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A/N: OK guys before I give you the next chapter I just want to let you guys know that after chapter 10 it will be a different atmosphere for both of Hannibal and Valeria ,  it is just a head start so you guys won't  be confused. Anyway here's the new chapter..... Enjoy ^_^

Chapter 9

Valeria's POV

I was now looking at the main door of a truly magnificent house of Hannibal for tonight was actually the night of my dinner with him. He was actually right when he said that his house was not that far from mine for it just took me a couple of minutes to search. Before I went here I did actually had some trouble finding a perfect dress to wear but eventually ended up wearing a gray chiffon modern cocktail dress which has a fashionable applique. At first I thought that this was too much..but I need to be formal so I won't come out rude for not giving some importance towards his invitation. As I knock I can't  seem to ignore the eccentric feeling building inside me. Then I hear a soothing velvety voice answering from afar

"Just a minute"

My hands are now twitching while waiting for me then suddenly the door knob turned and revealed a handsome Hannibal Lecter.

"Valeria,  you are just on time.." He said and smiled at me.

"Oh yes..." I answered and started  gather my myself from admiring his beauty. "Time is a valuable time for me and besides we shouldn't let the food waiting. And also I'm truly sorry for not bringing anything "

"I can see that we see the same perspective Valeria and don't worry about that. The thought that you came is what is most important" 

"At least there are still people who still value the orthodox of courtesy" I said and look at him. He then lead me inside his exquisite sanctuary.

"May I take your coat?" He asked and I nodded. As his hand rested on my shoulder a sudden sensation hit me that send chills to my spine. He was now behind me and I can feel his warm breath on my back which makes me somehow aroused.

"Shall we?" He said after putting my coat on the coatrack.  We then went to the  dinning room and he lead me at a chair.

"I will be going in the kitchen for the appetizers, it will just take some minutes but before that what drink shall I offer you?"

"A wine will be much better Doctor"

"Then wine it is" He said while smiling then  pour some wine on my glass. He then went towards the kitchen which left me to look at the room. I've realized that his house was quite fascinating for he has so many antique furnitures and shows a beautiful Gothic appearance. Also, a soft melodic symphony was actually playing that bring music to my ears. But there's something I feel in his house; loneliness which puzzles me. The house's ambiance was actually welcoming but I just can't quite comprehend why I feel that this ambiance is just being masked like it's hiding certain emotions that I won't be able to understand even if I try to. My thoughts were cut when I saw Hannibal got out from the kitchen doors while carrying to plates.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" He said and put the plates at the table. "I present to you.. Kepta duona, fried in oil and rubbed with garlic. A perfect appetizer to boost out appetite and a great dish to be serve when winter is near" He said as he take his seat. I look at the dish and was amaze to see the detailed presentation of the plate he really prepared this well.

"Why choose a Lithuanian cuisine  Hannibal?"

3rd Person POV

The good doctor didn't actually know what to answer to the maiden's questions, for he himself can't think of a logical reason on why did he choose to serve Lithuanian dishes for their dinner instead of something different. But eventually he has to make a believable excuse to escape the curious stares of the ravishing women in front of him.

"As my new friend I wanted you to taste some of the dishes that I came to love when I was young" He said and the maiden just nodded at his explanation.

"You do know that I was part Lithuanian right?"

"Yes, I had actually figured that out and that's the very reason why I have chosen to serve you this dish. To bring back some childhood memories" The way he said those words not only made Valeria more curious but made her feel a little intimidated.

"Well, I guess it will be a bumby ride" The maiden replied as she started to eat. Hannibal just looked at her with a blank face and started to eat too.

After the appetizer, he then went inside the kitchen to look if the main course is ready to serve. After preparing he then went towards the dining table while pushing a serving cart. The maiden then smiled at him in hopes that he is done with the Lithuanian dish but was disappointed when he opened the covers.

"Troškinti rauginti kopūstai ,a stew made from a young lamb with sauerkraut, carrots and greens" As Hannibal makes the servings, he can't help but notice the maidens discomfort which proves some of the theories that was formed in his mind. On the other hand, Valeria was was now nervous of the sudden change of ambiance; his house is now becoming more of a terrifying place for her to stay. She tried to smile after Hannibal finished serving her meal but now she's slowly starting to forget her courtesy and is being replaced by fear.. Her thought is telling her that there is nothing that she should be afraid of but in the back of her mind she knew that it is a lie.

As she started to eat, Hannibal was looking at her with pure satisfaction for her walls are now beginning to go down and he was beginning to see a glimpse of her true self; a part of her that she's actually been hiding since she set foot in Baltimore. A identity that she's been hiding excellently but not that excellent. And what's more fascinating for Hannibal is that even when she's starting to show she still have the will to fight back.

As he eats, Valeria knows that he's beginning to see her true self and she can't hide the truth from him anymore. But she knows better, she already know who is this very man eating in front of her. This is a man wearing a person suit. A man who is capable of hiding in a new persona without being noticed. She already knew that what she's eating is not an animal meat for she already had a taste of this particular meat. She knew who he is but didn't have the courage to accept at first. But now she knows better.

So who is Hannibal Lecter?, He is a man she values, a man she's truly fond of, a man that made her see the true colors of the world by just looking at him. He is the patron saint of demise. She knew of his true colors for the investigation reports she received was not just about his life as a psychiatrist but his other life. His life as the famous Chesapeake Ripper. That only she has the information for she took care of the investigator herself after gaining that valuable information. She knew that he will also begin to suspect of her true identity and will begin to investigate. But now this table is turned, they will play a game to defend each others identity. After all, this lovely night is just getting started.

"Do you want to dance miss De Lorienné? " He asked and she smiled.

To be continued......

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