Fit for the Profile

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Chapter 5

Hannibal's POV

As we arrive, nurses and doctor are already into motion and there are also doctors glancing in the emergency room. We didn't have the chance to meet the aiding surgeon but so far I can only look at the tensed faces of Will and Jack.

One of the doctor's who are inside approached them just in time that Jack called my name. The doctor then took his mask off and we were met by a pair of grey eyes.

"What is the news about the patient?" I was the one who started the conversation. Because it's quite clear that the men with me are still unable to register everything especially Jack who was with the victim the whole time.

The doctor then looked at me.

"We've been able to stabilize the patient and closed his wounds also we already gave the patient a shot of anti-tetanus to prevent further infections"

"So you are saying that the person was already infected when we brought him here?" Was now Jack who was asking the doctor.

"We believe he is, because the surgeon who performed the surgery quickly recognized that the patient was already suffering from infection we know that the patient is suffering from blood loss but it never crossed our mind that the patient is already in that state and eventually you just brought the patient in time preventing him from experiencing convulsion and death" The doctor elaborates while putting on of his hands in his pocket.

"So you mean you didn't see any signs of infections and the surgeon was the only one who recognized his state?" I asked and then he handed Jack a small polymer bag.

"Yes she was the one who was first to prevent the infection, the nurses and I were actually amazed at her skills she was able to determined what infection level of the patient and was able too administer the right amount of anti-tetanus just before proceeding with the operation. She also retrieved that from the victim's body" He said while Jack examined the object. I notice that the object looks like a very small syringe which are used for injecting small animals.

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