Chapter 16: Everything's Okay

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Chapter 16
Eros Dylan Donovan
Everything's Okay

Packing all the stuffs I got, as well as Brad's, I can't believe that for the first time, I'm going to leave this house. Not because of my will. We were forced to. I know that if we didn't get out immediately, the man who claimed the house as his will file a case to us for trespassing. I know better than that. Sighing, I admire every corners of the room, looking at every part of the room. My own room. My own house. My parent's house.

If Mel wouldn't have sold the house, we would be still here. I know this is a shitty house, but it's from my parents. It has a sentimental value to me. Mom used to say that I should need to take care of the house. Somehow, somewhat, I have a feeling that I have failed her. And I know I did. The house is in a different hands now. And I can't fucking believe it. I don't have a control to it now.

Brad enters the room without knocking, even him is sad that we're going to leave this house. At first, he asked me where would we live when we leave this house after I explained to him the whole situation. I accepted Mike's offer. He is somewhat guilty for what his mother has done. He offered us a home, and I felt - feel - grateful to him. Even though things are quite a blur to us, he didn't hesitate to give us a helping hand. And I somehow am proud that I met him despite weird things happening to us. I told Brad that we're going to go to Mike's own house, and his mood lightened. He babbled about how excited he is to see Mike's house. And I did tell him that we're going to stay there for a while.

Mike and I had an agreement. I'll pay him. He said no need to bother about it, but I insisted. My pride and ego were hurting. I can't stand the thought of being helpless. So, in a nice way, he accepted the offer 'but' I'll pay him back once I have saved enough money for me to buy the house back.

Getting the boxes one by one, I put them in the trunk of Mike's car. I didn't know Mike had a car. I guess it's his father's. But still, technically, it's still his car. Brad is so excited he's practically bouncing on his seat at the back. Mike sees Brad's excited and bubbly attitude and chuckles and a faint, genuine smile etches onto my lips. Giving a last look to my used-to-be-mine house, I take a seat at the passenger seat. Mike sees my sad expression.

"Everything will be okay," Mike assures, looking at me with hopeful eyes. They are sad like mine. But hopeful. I don't know if I have a hope that I'd get my parent's house back. I want to believe his eyes, his words, that everything will be okay.

Mike puts the key in the ignition and the car roars to life, releasing a soft clunks of the engines as he puts his hand on the stirring wheel. After a minute, we are on the road. I take a look at the mirror in front of us, the house slowly fading as we take off. I release a sigh of annoyance as I shut my eyes. How could Mel do this to us? She knew that that house was practically my life. Not really. But it's one of the veins of my heart. And I feel like that specific vein has been cut off. Brad is looking through the window, his face buried on it as he looks at the objects that are flying pass us fastly. His mouth turns into an 'o' as he puts his hands onto the window. I laugh at him. Mike gives me a glance from the corners of his eyes and smiles. I fully turn my head into his direction and watch him intently, observing the features of his face.
His jawline seems strong and firm, and his lips are plumped and looking kissable. I just want to ravish him here and there. Of course he notices me watching him because he fakes a cough. He does that if he's getting awkward. He gives me a quick glance, and when he notices that I'm still watching, his cheeks turn into a shade of pink. Cute. His arms are long and strong, and his tattoos are kind of awesome. I admire the way it flexes, especially when he swivels left and right. I probably look like a creep right now, but those arms... his neck, his jawline, his nose, his lips... Oh God.

I remember the letters he has written, it's awesome. I want the letters to be mine. Even though they are love letters, I still want it. But I don't know if I'm worthy of having one. Would Mike write a letter about me?
If possible, would he write the things he like about me?

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