Chapter 18: Birthday

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Chapter 18
Eros Dylan Donovan

It has been a week since we admitted to ourselves that we like each other. It took us guts. But we didn't care. All we knew is to kiss and kiss until we were out of breath, until we were panting, until we were begging to each other to stop but were not able to because we needed the contact.

It's Mike's birthday today, and I want to cook some for him. For the whole week, we just did the 'I want to know you more' thing. And it went good. I have learned a lot of about Mike, and he mentioned that he was writing letters for his special someone. I asked him if I was the special one, but he said nothing. I admit, I was kind of hurt that today. I hoped that maybe, those letters he had written would be passed on to me. I know we're dealing unknown things on our own, but still, I can't push the thought out of my mind. Ever time I would think of it, I would feel hurt because there's the feeling that I'm not special. That I'll never be special. For him.

We keep sneaking kisses here and there, whenever Brad is not looking. Because he would ask a lot of questions, and I don't want him to get curious. He'd bug me for eternal.

I know pasta with meatballs is overrated in occasions such as birthdays, but I don't know any other recipes for me to cook. Mike is a great cook. A chef at heart. He knows all the kitchen things and I'm amazed by his knowledge. For someone like a guy, he sure knows a lot about cooking. Then I remember, his Dad is a freaking chef and owner of the best restaurants in town. I feel ashamed suddenly, thinking that I am not right for him. I try to push it at the back of my mind. No luck. But even the negative thought is running in my head, I still want to cook some simple yet very delicious foods. I may not be as great as his father when it comes to cooking, but I promise that these foods that I'm going to cook will be made with passion and love.

Turning on the stove, I place the big casserole on top with 3/4 water. Hotdogs. I turn on another stove and put it on light, placing a pan on it and pouring a little bit of oil. I cut the hotdogs in tidbits and throw them at the slightly heated pan. The oil makes a popping sound as the hotdogs make contact with oil. The water is now boiling and I grab two pasta in the cabinet, tear the cover, cut the noodles in half, and put them in the boiling water. I pour a little oil in it so it would not be sticky. Grabbing a spatula, I toss the hotdogs and take a plate in the drawer. I put some tissues on the plate so when I place the hotdogs on it, the tissues will absorb the oiliness of the hotdogs. I put another casserole on another stove and get three tomato sauce and tomate paste from the cabinet again. There are so many drawers and cabinets here! I get the ground beef from the fridge and place them on the table, deciding that I should get this done so I can start to bake.

Preheating the oven, I start to mold the chocolate into a round and sprinkle some mini chocolate kisses. Smiling triumphantly, I put it in a large baking tray and place it inside the oven.

I woke up early so I could prepare the foods for Mike. I want to surprise him. These past few days, I've been sneaking and buying groceries and putting them in my room so he wouldn't see it. I succeeded in my litte mission though. It's now 8 in the morning and I'm glad that Mike has no classes today. I'm pretty sure his friends will be here. I so want to meet them. I have cooked all his favorites and I'm sure he will like it.
A phone rings. I look at the phone on the wall beside the door that leads to the dining area. I head over there and pick up the call, wanting to know who it is.

"Happy Birthday, Mike!" A man says happily and excitedly.

"Um... Sorry, sir. I'm not Mike." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. He has the same accent as Mike and they both sound alike. I hear a brief 'oh' and then silence falls upon us. I just want to drop the call and head on but it would be rude. I don't even know this man.

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