Chapter 6: Message In A Bottle, Entry #8

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A/N: On the side bar is Adi Gillespie, as MICKEY 'MIKE' HOLLISTER.


Chapter 6
Eros Dylan Donovan
Message In A Bottle, Entry #8

          As Jedi, one of my workmates, punches letters and letters on his keyboard, his eyes trained at the computer, I'm studying the robbery in LandBank. We've already watched the CCTVs records several times, and yet, we still don't have a lead as to where they are. I'm pretty sure those punks are having right now, and for sure, they will do it again if we don't catch them as soon as possible. Jedi stretches his arms, his bones making a crack sounds as he reflexes his body. This case is such a headache. We have been studying the scene and searching the place all over again, just for the hope of finding a single evidence that could lead us as to where the criminal punks are.

          Sighing, I take a seat on my chair and prop my elbows on the computer's desk, looking at the screenshot of the masked men.

          "Don't pressure yourself, man." Jedi says concernly as he puts his hands behind his head. "We'll catch them soon."

          "No," I say sternly, throwing my hands up in the air, frustration taking over me. It irritates me, annoys me, frustrates me, when we can't even have a single evidence that might lead us to the criminals. I hate it. "They always do it. They could do it again. Hell yeah, they will do it again. Those punks are criminals, and by criminals, they could kill mercilessly. That's a huge no no for me, Jedi." With that, I punch the desk and the ballpens, notebooks, files, everything on my table rattle, some of the ballpens spill out of the cup.

          Jedi raises his hands in surrender, nodding. He sighs and I sigh. We both know that when I'm angry, nobody cna't argue with me. I don't want to be lost in an arguement, especially if I'm right.

          "You've been watching the records of the CCTVs for, like, a hundred times! You need a new evidence, Dylan." Jedi says as he starts hitting the letters again on his keyboard. He always calls me Dylan. Jedi is my best friend since we were in college. He was in some of my classes, and we became instant friends because we have a lot of commons. Like, for example, we like grilled chicken, fruit salad, we hate veggies, we hate roaches, we hate pests.

          "Jedi," I say, sighing again. I'm trying to keep my cool, but myself is making it hard for me to do. "These records of CCTVs are the best evidences that might lead us to the criminals. You hella know that, Jed. We've searched the place, even cleaned it. Hell, we've done everything in that place. But did those things lead us to where they are? No. These records are the only help. There's something about these CCTVs that drew me. Just do your thing, Jed. I'll watch the records again."

          Jedi shrugs, as if to tell me 'Okay'. I turn my eyes back on the computer and hit the play button. The first record plays, showing those bitches entering the LandBank. The records are quite clean, so I have a good look on them. Leaning down, focusing my eyes on the computer, no evidences. God. I hate it. Sighing a frustrated sigh, I play the another video and the video plays, showing the men pointing their guns at the people inside the LandBank. The people inside start to raise their hands up in the air, fear drawn on their faces as they watch the masked men invade the area of LandBank.

          A particular man catches my attention and I hit the pause button, leaning down again, much closer this time, and stare at the masked man. Tattoo. His tattoos can be seen. Smiling, I hit the screenshot button. TPG over a gun tattoo. That's his tattoo. What does TPG mean?

          "I think I already have gotten a lead that could lead us to the punks, Officer Jedida Hill." I state proudly and slowly. Jedi props his feet on his computer's desk and gives me a thumbs up and smiles at me. My plan is, find a tattoo shops in this town and ask them if they've done, or just even seen, the tattoo on this guy in the picture. There are probably hundreds of tattoo shops in this town, but I won't give up. I will hunt this bitches down and put them in jail, where they can't rob and kill again.


          Mel is cooking chicken curry with pineapple tidbits, and the scent fills the air. The coffee is in front of me, wanting to be sip and the aroma of it is drawing me, tempting me to grab it and take a huge sip. Brad is playing with his toy cars, making a broom broom sound as he plays with them. When Brad is playing, you can't talk to him, he can't even listen to the things you're saying when he's playing. So the best thing to have a chance to make him respond to you, is to threaten him by telling him that we will throw his toys away.

          Mel says that the chicken curry will be ready in 10 minutes and I nod at her, telling her that the scent is making my stomach grumble. She chuckles and pecks my lip.

          My decision is, when we get married, I'll buy a new house for us to live in. I have a lot of savings in my bank account, and that's enough to buy a new house for my new family. I have a lot of plans for us. And I'm thinking on having a baby with Mel. Err. Babies with Mel. This time, I want girls. Twins, maybe. Triplets, that's cool. Quadruplets, hell no. Don't want them running together with Brad around the house. I get up and strectcg my arms up in the air, bending my body to the side slightly. I can feel the tensions getting out of my body as I relax myself from my mini workout.

          Deciding I should clean Brad's bed, because I don't have anything to do, I walk upstairs, to Brad and Mike's room. When I get there, Brad's bed is messed up, unmade, whereas Mike's bed is neat and clean. The duvet is folded neatly and graciously at the top of his bed. I know he didn't sleep there last night, because he slept with Brad. Smiling, I head over Brad's bed and grab his duvet. My foot knocks something underneath his bed, the thing makes a clink sound and a bottle rolls underneath Brad's bed. Furrowing my brows, I pick it up and study.

          There are papers rolled up inside the bottle. It seems like this bottle has full of messages. Messages in a bottle. Taking off the cap, I flip it and a rolled up paper lands on my hand.

          Unrolling it, a neat cursive writing greets me. A message. It says:

          'Message #8. Dear Future Lover For Forever, it's me again, Mike Hollister. The 7th message was kind of cheesy, don't you think? I've had a rough time writing it. I have tried my best to have a sense of humour. I'm usually sarcastic and, sometimes, a bitch. Anyways, I'll tell you things in this letter.

          'So it's New Year's Eve, and my best bud, Noah is sad. I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with his family. His step-brother, Gloss, is avoiding him. Lately, the past few weeks, he has been down, it looks like he's carrying a large boulder on his shoulders, and the saddest part, to me, is I can't even help him. He doesn't want to talk to me about it. He keeps turning me down, refusing my offers. Another thing, Kevin and Collins are getting weirder and weirder every second. They always make sexual comments to each other, and it looks like they are enjoying it. Hmpf. It's weird, right? When the two straight guys joking about gay sex to each other? Remember this: I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE. Yes. But it sort of freaks me out at the thought of it. Not a narrow-minded person, but I think I have to work on it.

          'Back to New Year, it saddens me to know you can't be here with me tonight. I should be celebrating this event, but I think I should leap. I want to celebrate every holidays, events, and other things with you. So... please, come now and enter in my life. I'm excited to meet you.

          'Okay, I think I'll write again later, my friends are now calling me. Woof. Ciao. Hahaha. This is your Future Keeper Of Your Heart, Mike Hollister. With lots of strawberries and sweets! :*'

          So this is Mike's handwriting. Future Keeper Of Your Heart. Nice. On the outside, Mike seems annoying and snob and bad boy, but on the inside, really, he's a sappy lover boy. So he's making letters for his future lover, ha. Nice idea. I know for a fact I shouldn't be reading this, much less, shouldn't be doing this, being curious about this. It's wrong. But seeing this, it makes me happy, it's like I've seen the new side of Mike.

          A new side of Mike that no one has ever seen.


Word count: 1,559.
D&T: January 10, 2015, 12:55PM.

Bye. Haha.

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