Chapter 28: Letters

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Chapter 28
Eros Dylan Donovan

Walking inside Mike's room, my eyes scan every corner of it. Mike is in the hospital right now because of me. He still hasn't woken up yet. The progress is the same. Dr. Zuta is going to do a surgery on Mike. Mike's father, Mikel, came home just to check what's the condition of Mike.

He asked me what happened, ans I told him every details, not leaving any information behind. Since he's the father of Mike, he had to know what happened. I also told him that Mike is my boyfriend. At first, he was shock and all, but then he thought better of it. What a shame to admit, but I cried in front of Mike's father, Mikel. I told him everything, even the not-so-good parts. I vented it out on him, pouring my emotions in one go. He wasn't speaking, but he was listening. I told him how sorry I was, how guilt was starting to consume my body, and how I cannot forgive myself if something bad happens to Mike. Mikel, being the great father and listener he is, rubbed my back and told me that I did not wish for this to happen, and he accepted me as Mike's boyfriend. I was so greatful at him because of what he had done just to comfort me, just to ease what I was feeling heavy. And after that talk, it felt like the burdens on my shoulder have been diminished.

Sitting on his bed, my foot hits something underneath the bed and the bottle of messages, or letters, has rolled. I pick it up and pop out the cap. I flip it around and the letter, which is rolled neatly, comes onto my hand. I open the letter and it reads:

'Hey, sweety. This is Mickey Mike Hollister, your Future Keeper Of Your Heart. What a lame title. Hahaha. Anyways, I just wanted to write what happened earlier. So, it's Tommy's birthday today, and we had a party. Of course, my best buds were also there. We were partying so wild. And no. I know what you're thinking. I did not have sex to anyone. There were some girls giving me flirtatious looks, but none of them had a chance to taste me. Uh uh. This is only for you, baby. So we were partying at Tommy's house and suddenly, his parents came in. The house was pretty messed up and they were so mad at Tommy they just walked away. Tommy, being a cry baby he is, told the other people that the party was done. It should last long. But no. All of them groaned. And when the people were gone, that's when Tommy's parents began to scold him.

Of course, they did not let us to go. We also had an earful to Tommy's parents. Especially Jeric. Because Jeric was the one who suggested the party. Tommy's parents knew it. Jeric was so embarrassed he nearly peed. Hahahaha.

This letter is not interesting, though. Even if the letter is boring, I still want you to know what happened. I want to let you know what's happening in my life, and what happened in the past, that's why I'm writing it for you. And soon, the letters that I have written, you will be able to read them. Love lots, :*'

Smiling at the letter, I roll it back like it used to and put it back inside the bottle. Then I get another one, open the letter, and begin to read it.

"Shalalalala, hey. So this is Mike again and I'm writing you a letter. So I just want to tell you that I have a new step-brother. His name is Brad. His father is Eros, the one that I wrote a letter before? Yes. Brad is four years old and he's really a brat. But he's a good kid, though. Eros has really made him a good kid. We always play. I am kind of attached to the kid since my mum and Eros are getting married three weeks from now. So sad to say. I thought Eros didn't love my mum, but I think he does. I was so consumed by anger that I did not notice it. I hated my mum. Although I always feel that I loathe her, I still love her. It's just that she sometimes acts like a bitch. And she doesn't think of things. But anyways, since Eros came, mum has been changing. I mean, she does the dishes and everytime. She cleans everytime. I guess she wants to proof that she's good enough for Eros, doesn't she?

Did you know that I always look at Eros? And I don't want you to get a bad interpretation or image on this. I'm not attracted to him. It's just that sometimes, he intrigues me. I don't know why.

I'll tell you a story. So it was after my mum and Eros got in one house, together with Brad and I. We just moved in. I was putting the boxes down on the floor, one of the boxes had the pictures of my dad. So I was really sweating at that time, and it was really hot. I just wanted to take a break and drink a coffee. And somehow, Eros, as if reading my mind, tapped me on my shoulder and offered me a coffee. Of course, when I looked at the mug of coffee, there was a sticky note with a smiling face drawn on it. I chuckled. It was so nice of him to bring me a mug of coffee. I tasted it, and he was really good at making coffees! Almost the same as my Dad's. But of course Dad is better. But still, the coffee made by Eros made me relax. It was like the tensions and pains had been taken off my shoulders and I felt replenished. It was bugging me the whole time, why would Eros bring me a coffee? Is he trying to be on my good sign? And I was like, nah, I'm judging him too early, and I was like, nah, maybe it's just him. Since then, every time I look at Eros, even the smallest things he does, I notice it. Like, when he yawns, he shuts his one and eye and he always looks down, and after he yawns, he always stretches his body. Right? That's a little weird for me. I mean, why would I notice such little things? Right? Right? Right? That is so freaking weird.
Plus, every time he makes a call, he always puts his hand on his right hip and taps his foot impatiently as he waits his call to be answered by God knows whom anyone he's calling. It's kind of cute when he gets frustrated and mad. He always puffs his cheeks and blows his bangs. He doesn't even have a bangs. Hahaha. No wonder why Brad is a brat. Because he got his father's genes. But still, they are good guys.
So I'll leave you hanging as of now. I'll write you more, okay? I just have to go. Write you some letters later, babe. With chocolates and candies, love Mike 💋'

I realize that I'm laughing at his letters. Even though the letter is not for me, I put it on my chest and feel it as if Mike is hugging me. Shutting my eyes, letting the peaceful presence of Mike's love for me, I smile. I don't even know if Mike's loves me. But base on this letters, he noticed small things at me. Even I did not know I was doing those things. He noticed it. Mike noticed it. So it means something, right? He just didn't realize it that time, but I think he already liked me. He was just too busy doing teenager things that's why he didn't have the chance to explore his feelings. Maybe I was, too. I was busy doing some adult things that's why I wasn't able to explore. I think of the many reasons why I fell for Mike. But nothing. But that's love. If you fell in love, you don't know the reasons why you fell for them. You don't know when and where did you fall for them. One day, you happen to love them. That's it. It may seem quick and easy, but no one knows how to trigger love. Yes, we have fetishes, but if you see that fetishes to every other person, does it automatically mean that you love them? No. It means you see what you desire. But love isn't about a desire. It's part of love but nothing major. If you're in love, you don't know what triggered it. And in my case, I fell in love with Mike. Now, I understand what it feels to love. I never felt this with Tiffany, or Mel. I did like them, but that's far as I have gone. Like. But not love.

Mike is the one who made me realize things. He made me feel empty and full at the same time. He also made me feel pain and hurt. He also made me sad and happy. He made me feel love. And the best thing that I can give to him is my love, body and soul. That's the best things I can offer.

My phone rings. I take a look at the caller ID and see Noah's name flashing on the screen. I swipe the screen of my phone to answer his call.

"Hey," I say, my voice sounding tired.

"Eros," Noah greets. I wait for him to continue. "You need to get here now. Dr. Zuta is going to do the surgery on Mike. We need you here. Your boyfriend needs you here."

I chuckle, "Yes, my boyfriend needs me. So just give me a couple of minutes and I should be there. I'll just go grab some clothes for Brad."

"Sure, Brad's waiting." Noah says and I thank him for taking care of Brad just for a while.

Noah and Mike's friends now know that Mike and I are together. And someone stole the moment. Derek and Nero? Yes. They did steal the spotlight because they confessed that they are in a relationship. Most of the guys made fun of Nero and his face redden from embarrassment. It's kind of a relief that everyone is so very accepting of man being together with a man. It makes me happy for Mike because he has met such amazing friends.

I put back the letter inside the bottle and put the bottle back to ad where it should be placed; underneath Mike's bed. I head to Brad's room and grab him some spare of clothes so he can change. Brad wanted to see Mike and insisted on staying, saying that Mike needed him also. He was very sad when he found out Mike's in the hospital. He asked different questions and we avoided it. We didn't want to make Brad cry.
Heading back to the hospital, I pray that the surgery will be successful.

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