Chapter 7

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First off, I think I should say that wattpad user yulovemeonly1 is one of my favorite people right now! She made me an amazing cover and told me she liked this story :) So you should all check out her story "Give my Virginity Back" because it's really good and her descriptions are very impressive. (By the way, did I mention how much I loooove it when people make me covers and banners? Hint hint, nudge nudge.)

Hey! This is one of my favorite chapters so far so I think you'll all enjoy it too. I love writing this story so much! Putting myself in her shoes and trying to understand how she thinks is just incredible! I advise you all to try putting yourselves in your idol's shoes for a day.

And 20 votes???? You guys really outdid yourselves! Thank you soo much! When I saw it this morning it completely made my day. I wish I could give each and every one of you guys a hug :P

How about....22 votes today? Do you think that's too much? I don't may be a challenge... Let's try it anyway. Can we get to 22 votes? We'll see...

Chapter 7

Platinum blonde….what would turn my plain brown hair into a gorgeous platinum blonde?

I was sitting at the kitchen table leafing through women’s magazines try to find my answer when Ethel walked in. She seemed much cheerier than usual.

“Norma, I have to thank you!” She sat down across from me at the table. “The medicine you brought home for Edward, it worked wonders! It helped him so much with the pain.” Ethel smiled with tears in her eyes. I reached over to pat her hand comfortingly.

“I’m just glad I could help. I got a bit of a...uh…raise at the factory.”

“Well that’s wonderful news! See, they know a hard worker when they see one. When I write Jim a letter I’ll mention that.”

See, that was another reason why I couldn’t tell Ethel about my modeling; Jim would not approve. He was his mother’s boy and, although he did like movies, he did not think modeling or acting was a suitable career for a girl.

“Would you like some tea, dear?”

“Yes please.” I accepted, and got back to work looking for hair tips in magazines.

“Ethel,” I said after finding absolutely no help in the magazines at all, “You know those girls you’re always complaining about? The girls you call fake and say they will go nowhere in life?”

“Yes, I know the ones. Wasting their lives away, they are.” I cringed visibly at her words but carried on with my question.

“How do they get their hair that pale blonde color?” I held my breath, hoping she wouldn’t realize why I was asking.

“Well,” Mrs. Dougherty said thoughtfully, placing a cup of tea in front of me and sipping her own. “I should think they bleach it with those…what do they call them? Those hair bleaches you get at barbers.”

A hair bleach, huh? If it’s at the local barber shop then I could easily get my hands on it.

“Thanks for the tea, Ethel. I think I’m going to go out and visit a friend.”

“Will you be back for supper?” Ethel called as I shrugged my coat on at the front door.

“I think so…” Although it might be safer if I didn’t come back for dinner…Ethel would throw a fit when she saw my hair had been bleached.

Luckily for me, the barber shop had exactly what I was looking for. The barber offered to bleach my hair for me but I couldn’t afford it. I had spent most of my money from my first photo shoot on medicine, bills, and magazines. Instead, I was going to Margaret’s house.

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