Chapter 26

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Gooooood afternoon everyone! I am so, so, so sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I did say that would happen. I had so much school work and now I'm in the school play and I just don't habe any me-time. So expect updates every one or two weeks; I promise I won't take longer than that.

This chapter is dedicated to Veronicaa99 because she made me a beautiful picture(the colorful one of Marilyn in the slideshow). Which reminds me, I made a little slideshow of Marilyn and Joe's wedding for you.

Enjoy, and thanks for your support so far! The story still has a long way to go.

Chapter 26

            Tall buildings stretching up to the sky, busy streets filled with buses and jay-walkers, the wealthy and the homeless walking side by side, where else could I be but San Francisco?

I was in City Hall in San Francisco, to be specific. No, let me correct myself. I was in City Hall in San Francisco, standing beside my new husband.

Stuart and Jean had shown up to be witnesses, along with Jane Russel and Anne Baxter and tons of people I didn’t remember inviting. Bebe hadn’t shown up; maybe she didn’t receive my invitation in time. It felt a little like déjà vu; I still remembered when Sue didn’t come to my first wedding. That had hurt at the time, but Bebe was my true friend. She wouldn’t skip my wedding on purpose.

But I wouldn’t let the absence of my best friend ruin my day. I was the new Mrs. DiMaggio! This was a time to celebrate.

Reporters were waiting for us outside the hall, yelling questions at us with their cameras flashing. Joe put his arm around me and shoved his way through them to the taxi we had waiting by the curb. The other few wedding guests I had invited myself piled in behind us and we drove to a local bar for our “reception”.

As you could tell, we hadn’t planned this out much or made it terribly expensive. We were in a rush to get married.

I had chosen not to bother with a wedding dress; it would be uncomfortable and bothersome. So instead I decided to wear an elegant black dress with a white collar. It was very conservative.

In all honesty, I had planned to wear something a little more show-stopping but I decided against it. When I woke up this morning, I felt like covering up as much of me as possible from embarrassment. And no, this wasn’t embarrassment over my body (which was looking better than it had in ages); this discomfiture was caused by thoughts of tonight.

 My wedding night.

And this time I was going to get it right. I would be a 28 year old virgin no more. But I couldn’t help worrying that Joe wouldn’t find me pleasing enough, or that, if I wore something slightly more scandalous, the media might find me trashy.

The casino smelled of cigar smoke and leather. A few people playing cards in the corner glanced over but they didn’t approach. They probably didn’t recognize us.

Naturally my friends and husband headed straight for the bar, and why shouldn’t they? They had traveled all the way to Northern California to come to my wedding. In fact, maybe I would have a little something to drink…

But I stopped myself before I ordered anything from the bartender. What was I thinking? I had sworn off alcohol, not to mention it was already evening and I didn’t want anything to affect my wedding night.

“Marilyn, dance with me!” Joe reached for my hand and pulled me out of my chair. My friends all “Aww’d” as we slow danced to a song I didn’t recognize. I couldn’t have cared less what the music we danced to was, as long as I was in Joe’s arms. He smiled down at me, crinkles around his warm, honey-brown eyes. He didn’t seem at all tipsy; he was steady and didn’t step on my feet at all.

Everything was absolutely perfect.

Joe leaned down towards me to kiss me. “I think it’s time to go to that hotel now.” Mutely I nodded, suddenly too nervous for words. This was it.

Joe and I excused ourselves and parted ways from our friends. Stuart winked at Joe and guffawed; it was obvious what he was alluding to. Joe ignored him, wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me to the taxi.

 We had booked a hotel room for the night so we could rest before our honeymoon. I suppose we had splurged a little on the room; it was a suite with a Jacuzzi and all. There was even a cheese basket waiting for us when we arrived.

I went to the bathroom to run myself a hot bath. I had to relax and prepare myself.

Easing into the water, I breathed a sigh of relief. It felt like I was washing all my fear and apprehension away.

Rosy Romance, the body wash was called. Well that sounds promising, I grinned to myself as I lathered my legs in it. Mmm, and it smelled heavenly. Joe would love it, I was sure.

I stepped out of the bath and went to the counter where I had set up a little makeup and perfume area. Anne had given me a huge set of perfumes as a wedding gift, promising me that they drove men wild. I figured she would know; there were always rumors flying around Hollywood of how promiscuous Anne was.

I selected the nicest-smelling perfume to dab onto my wrist and neck before starting on my hair and makeup.

Is there even a point to doing my hair? I wondered as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Won’t it get messed up anyway? Should I just put it up? I played around with my blonde locks. No, it’s more attractive down, I decided.

And now clothes… I had dragged my suitcase into the bathroom solely for this purpose. Over half the suitcase was full of lingerie I had bought just a day or two before the wedding simply because I felt my old underwear wasn’t appealing enough. I chose a black, lacy set to wear under a plain white robe. As I recalled, Joe wasn’t really one for terribly colorful outfits.

“Marilyn, where are you?” I could hear his voice. He sounded close, maybe in the next room over. I gulped. He was probably in the bedroom then.

“I’ll be out in a minute, dear.” I called back, keeping my voice as steady as possible. One last spray of Passion and I was ready.

I left the bathroom quietly and made my way to the bedroom. The door was closed so I gently pushed it open. All the lights were off, but a few candles around the bed were lit. I could see Joe lighting the last one.

“Joe…” He stood up quickly and turned to face me. His eyes flicked down to my clothes and back up. I could feel heat rush to my cheeks. “Joe, this is so…” I motioned around the room, unsure what to say.

He shrugged bashfully. “I’m an old-fashioned man; I thought you’d like it. I can put them out if you like.” He nodded towards the candles.

I cleared the distance between us in two steps, embracing him tightly. “No, don’t. It’s perfect.”

I don’t think Joe realized just how much he meant to me at that moment. Joe didn’t know much about my past, about the boys in the orphanage, about Jim, but he was still so caring, so gentle, and so sweet with me.

So when I said that it was perfect, I wasn’t lying. Not at all. Everything was absolutely, completely, undeniably perfect.

And I was absolutely, completely, undeniably in love with my husband.


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Oh, and I almost forgot the chapter question! This time it has nothing to do with the chapter :P

-How has your new school year been so far? I hope it hasn't been as hectic as mine. Homework, school play, rock climbing, yoga, belly dancing, and writing is a lot to juggle on top of a 6 hour school day. The only time I have to write is the mornings, and to do that I have to wake up early. I'm exhausted! So anyway, let me know how school is going to far.

Until next time, Jay

Dear Diary, it's MarilynHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin