Chapter 10

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Hey everyone! This chapter was sooo much fun to write. I used a bunch of Marilyn's quotes. See if you can find them all (there are 5).

30 votes for chapter 9? And in just one day! I'm really impressed! How about 30 this time too? 30 votes for a new chapter. I'd make it 32 but I really want to write and post another chapter soon.

I hope you like it as much as I do!

Chapter 10

Mrs. Dougherty woke me up at 5a.m. the next morning to get ready. When I confronted her, she said Jim would be dropped off here by bus at 9.

“That’s 4 hours away!” I complained but was shown no sympathy.

“4 hours you could use to make yourself a little more presentable. I’ve already made stacks of pancakes, orange juice, fruit salad…what else?” Mrs. Dougherty began mumbling to herself. That was the exact same meal she had made the day after our wedding. I wonder if she knew that.

She then returned her attention to me. “Come on! Get out of bed, shower, put on a decent, modest dress, and get ready!” She hurried out of the bedroom, still mumbling to herself. I was tempted to ignore her and go back to sleep, but if I did she would only be more annoying.

Still half-asleep, I got myself ready for Jim’s long-awaited return. I chose my outfit by deciding what would upset Mrs. Dougherty the most. I settled for a tight black one that left my shoulders uncovered.

As I inspected myself in the mirror, I smiled wickedly to myself. She was just going to love this!

“The bus! The bus is coming down the street! Norma, get out here to greet Jim!” I heard Mrs. Dougherty’s annoying shrieks of excitement.

“It’s Marilyn.” I muttered under my breath as I followed her out of the house. I noticed her face pale as she took a look at my dress, making my smirk grow.

“Smile for Jim, Mrs. Dougherty.” I reminded her as the bus full of soldiers pulled up.

I could hear whistles and cat-calls coming from the bus as the door opened, earning myself an even bigger glare from my mother-in-law. I smiled innocently back.

There were a chorus of “good bye’s” and “good luck’s” from the soldiers as Jim stepped off the bus. He waved goodbye to his pals and turned to face us, a big smile on his face.

Jim hadn’t changed much. From the looks of it, he had just shaved for his return home; there was a nick from a razor on his chin. His hair was a little shorter and he might have been a little tanner, but any differences in his appearance stopped there. He was still the same old small-shouldered pushover he had been when he left. No miracle could change that.

The bus drove off and Mrs. Dougherty rushed forward to envelop Jim in a hug. Watching the two of them made my insides churn.

Jim eventually untangled himself from his mother’s arms and turned to me. I knew he was silently judging me; my hair, my makeup, my clothes, my attitude.

“Welcome back.” I couldn’t bring myself to give him a hug. He seemed to feel the same way because he made no effort to move towards me.

“It’s good to be back. The army is a hard life.”

That was almost laughable! I doubt he had to raise a finger in battle. I was surprised the army even wanted him.

“It looks like you came back in one piece, no scratches or bruises anywhere.” I replied, forcing myself not to roll my eyes.

“Let’s go inside and have some food.” Mrs. Dougherty tugged Jim’s arm but he didn’t move.

“Actually ma, I think Norma and I should discuss some things first.”

Mrs. Dougherty nodded and went inside without protest. Once she was inside, Jim came closer to me, reaching his hand up to touch my hair.

“Norma, what happened while I was away?” He murmured.

“It’s Marilyn.” That took him by surprise.


“It’s not Norma anymore. It’s Marilyn.” I said shortly. Jim looked taken aback.


“For my new acting career.” I explained, and Jim’s expression instantly turned darker, angrier.

“I thought I told you to quit all that before I came home. You didn’t obey me.” I could feel my blood begin to boil. Jim really knew nothing about me, did he?

“I am my own person, Jim! I want my own life!” I tried to make him see from my point of view but he wouldn’t listen.

“Is this about the money? I can support this family now. You don’t have to make money anymore!” His voice was growing louder.

“I don’t want to make money; I just want to be wonderful.” I said quietly, trying not to draw any unwanted attention from the neighbors.

“And you think acting and modeling in men’s magazines is wonderful? You think dressing like a tramp is wonderful? My mother’s letters told me everything you’ve been up to, Norma!” Now he was actually shouting at me but by this point I didn’t care who saw us fight.

“It’s Marilyn!” I yelled back. “And the body is meant to be seen, not all covered up! I’m beautiful, Jim, and I deserve to feel good about myself. I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and my talent.”

Jim opened his mouth to speak but I wasn’t quite finished. “It’s been hell living with your mother and being married to you!” Jim looked stunned. He took a step back.

“You- you don’t want to be married to me?” Oh, so now he’ll talk quietly!

“We’re hardly even married, Jim!” I hissed at him. “You’re too scared to consummate it!” That hit a sore spot.

“I just thought we were too young!” Jim defended himself. “Come on Norma, I love you!”

I shook my head. “It’s all make-believe, isn’t it? All this talk of love, none of it is real. You obviously don’t love me, and I don’t love you. Why are we still pretending?”

“Norma.” Jim had an anguished expression on his face. “Don’t do this. You’ll just end up unhappy.”

I took a deep breath. “It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone. It’s over, Jim.”

I turned around and walked back into the house, back into the bedroom, got my bags I hadn’t even unpacked from the night before, and walked out again with Jim trailing behind me all the while. He was like a sad, lost puppy, but for once I didn’t care. I was making this decision for myself. I couldn’t live my life to please other people.

Jim asked me to not to go, he even begged me, but I kept walking. Eventually, about half way to town, he stopped.

I kept telling myself I had made the right decision. Things were over between Jim and me. No more pathetic husband or witch of a mother-in-law to drag me down. It was just me and my talent.

Of course, I still needed a place to stay.

I walked all the way to the agency and it was the same as always. Becky was still at the front desk going through papers. She looked happy to see me.

“Norma! Are you coming back to work?” She asked, full of pep and zeal.

“No, I just need to use the phone.”

She let me make my phone call, no questions asked. I knew there was a reason I liked her.

I waited for the phone to be answered. “Ben? It’s me, Marilyn. I’m at the agency…do you think you could come pick me up?”


30 votes! I hope you liked this chapter. I could feel myself getting mad at Jim as I wrote it.

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