Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry I updated a little later than I meant to! Yesterday I was really busy.

I dedicated this chapter to Fejaum because she really thought about the questions I asked and answered them well. That doesn't mean all her answers wre right (maybe they are, maybe they aren't), it just means I appreciated all the thought she put in to them.

Some of your answers to my questions are so well thought-out, I'm impressed! Next chapter, I think, will reveal the answers to my question about Bebe.

We got to 51 votes! Woo hoo! And even better, on the very first chapter, there's over one hundred votes! Can you believe it? Thanks so much everyone for reading, voting, commenting, and all that jazz!

The picture on the right is one of my favorites of Marilyn. She looks stunning :) Now enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote if you love Marilyn!

Chapter 21

The car ride to Tom Ferrick’s house went pleasantly enough. Over the noise from the engine, Joe asked about my lunch with the girls, but I didn’t tell him much; I had no wish to think about Bebe.

“I don’t think the three of us will be enjoying each other’s company for quite some time,” was all I told him.

Joe parked the car on the curb by Tom Ferrick’s house. He proceeded to get out and open the door for me.

“Mr. DiMaggio, how chivalrous of you!” I teased as he helped me out. With his arm comfortingly around my waist, together we walked to the front door.

Joe knocked against the wood loudly. As we waited for the door to be opened, he kissed the side of my head and whispered in my ear,

“Aren’t you glad you wore that fur coat now, my dear?”

I smiled uncomfortably at him, remembering the incident from earlier. “Yes, the weather is quite chilly.” Joe nodded with approval at my answer.

“Well, if it isn’t Joltin’ Joe!” A loud voice grabbed our attention. A man even taller, and much chubbier, than Joe stood in the doorway, a nearly-empty champagne flute in his hand. He seemed about Joe’s age, hair speckled with grey, laugh lines around his eyes.

“It’s nice to see you again, Tom.” Joe greeted him warmly, shaking his hand.

“And who is your pretty lady-guest?” Tom looked me up and down, grinning shamelessly.

“This is my girlfriend, Marilyn. I told you about her over the telephone.” I looked down at the ground to conceal my blush at the word “girlfriend”. It was something I hadn’t been called since high school.

Tom grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, which were still damp with champagne.

“Ah, the famous Marilyn Monroe! It truly is an honor.” As he said it, I noticed his eyes flick down towards my chest and then back up. This was not unusual for me, though; ever since those nude photos had been released, I had received more than the occasional glance from men.

I glanced at Joe warily but, to my luck, he hadn’t noticed his friend’s wandering gaze.

“It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Mr. Ferrick. I’ve heard so much about you.” It was true; Joe had told me all about his younger days playing with his close friend, Tom. He said they had many “fond memories”. Joe had even helped Tom chase women, as it was “a favorite pursuit of his”. Joe told me his friend had never settled down with one woman.

“Don’t believe a word Joe has told you!” Tom chuckled, and Joe laughed with him.

“I assure you, Mr. Ferrick, he has done nothing but lay praise upon you.”

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