Chapter 20

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Only 42 votes last chapter -sigh- but I still updated :) It's a pretty long chapter too...maybe it deserves votes?

Last chapter, most of you all answered that you think Joe DiMaggio will be good for Marilyn. Of course, nothing and no one is ever entirely good or bad for someone.

I have the feeling a lot of you won't be very happy with this chapter, but hey, my characters were all real people; they're not one-sided. They have depth to their personalities, just like you do. Don't you just hate those characters with no flaws, the characters who never do anything wrong? *yawn* booooring!

So enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to vote and answer the question at the end. I love reading all your thoughts!

Chapter 20

“And on the third date, he took me driving around the countryside and wait- it gets better!” I took a dramatic pause, grinning at Bebe and Jean’s impressed faces.  “We stopped for a picnic in a field full of flowers! Isn’t that the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard?”

“It sounds like you and Joe get along wonderfully! And to think, you didn’t even want to meet him at first.” Jean smiled smugly at me.

“Well I think this whole thing is just splendid!” Bebe commented as she reached across the coffee table to hug me warmly. “You’ve finally found a man who fully appreciates you. Cookie?” Bebe motioned towards the plate of cookies she had just made.

I shook my head. “Oh, they’re delicious but I really couldn’t. I can’t spoil my appetite for this evening.”

“That’s right, I forgot!” Bebe sat back and crossed her legs. “So where is Joe taking you tonight?”

“He wants me to meet his old teammates and one of his pals, Tom Ferrick, is having a sort of reunion dinner tonight so Joe invited me to come along.”

Jean raised her eyebrows. “He wants you to meet his friends already? My, things are going fast. I’ve been friends with Joe for years and I haven’t met even one of his teammates.”

“Well, Marilyn’s relationship with Joe is different from yours.” Bebe gave Jean a pointed look, making Jean shrink back into the couch.

Now that I thought about it, I wasn’t so sure Bebe and Jean liked each other. The only reason Jean had been invited to Bebe’s house was because I wanted my two good friends to meet. Perhaps they were too different from one another to really get along.

Jean stood up abruptly. “This afternoon has been fantastic, thank you for that, but I really think I should be on my way. I’ve been asked to model some new swimwear and the photo shoot is in a few hours. Do you ever get asked to model anymore, Bebe?” Jean arched an eyebrow at Bebe, obviously alluding to Bebe’s retirement. Bebe absolutely hated it when people mentioned her age (50, but she seemed much younger), so I decided I should get Jean out of the house before she added more fuel to the fire.

“I’ll walk you to the door, Jean.” I tugged Jean’s arm as I pulled her out of the room.

“Thank you for inviting me here, Marilyn, but next time I don’t think I’ll come.”

In my head, I doubted there would be a next time. Jean was definitely on Bebe’s bad side.

Instead of saying this, though, I replied tactfully to Jean, “I wouldn’t expect you to. Good bye, Jean. I’ll see you soon.”

Once Jean was out the door, I returned to Bebe. She was still sitting on the couch, munching thoughtfully on a cookie.

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