Chapter 36

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Sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 36

John sent someone to pick me up, despite promising to pick me up himself. I’d have been a little upset by the change of plans but for the fact that he had arranged for me to be picked up in an expensive car stocked with even more expensive champagne. The driver, dressed in gloves and all, refused to indulge in a glass with me so I was forced to drink alone, but no matter! I could be a one-man party and enjoy myself just as much as I would in a crowd.

“We’re almost at the Crosby residence, Miss Monroe.” The driver informed me in the monotone he had addressed me in since he picked me up.

“Already? Time flies, doesn’t it, sweetheart?” I sighed dramatically, “And we were having such a nice time together!”

“I’m sure everyone is eagerly awaiting your arrival, Miss Monroe.”

I laughed loudly, “Then let them wait! Why don’t we turn this little car around and make a quick detour?  That’ll give me time to finish off this bottle, don’t you think? Although I’d finish faster if you have a glass with me…”

That was the first time I heard the driver laugh this entire drive down to Palm Springs.

“It was wonderful spending the morning with you, mister driver. I hope we- oh! You’re taking my bags in, how sweet!” I giggled as he took grabbed my suitcase from the trunk of the car.

I proceeded to walk up to the door of the Crosby residence. It was a grand house, very modern in style. The door swung open a few short seconds after I knocked and a man, perhaps a butler, greeted me.

“They’re right through here, Ma’am,” he led me through the house, “out on the patio.” I could hear faint jazz music in the background, as well as the sound chatter and clinking glasses. I fanned myself as I followed the butler. I felt quite hot, and I wasn’t sure the mild March weather was the cause.

There were more guests than I’d expected, but I didn’t suppose they were all staying the night here. They probably had hotel rooms in some fancy part of town.

Heads turned as I stepped outside, bringing a smug smile to my lips. The added attention was, as always, the desired result of arriving fashionably late. But I only had eyes for one man, and he definitely didn’t disappoint.

John saw me the moment I stepped out, just as I saw him. Our eyes met and his face lit up in a smile to match my own, albeit a little less smug and a little more child-like in his enthusiasm. He excused himself from whomever he had been speaking to and made his way over to me immediately.

“Marilyn, I was worried you got lost on the way here.” He grinned lazily me, his face not matching his words. He knew I’d never turn him down.

“No, the driver you sent was very capable.” I gave him an appreciative once-over. He was dressed far more casually than I’d ever seen him look before. I’d always loved a man in a suit but I had to admit, John looked really good.

“And I see you enjoyed the champagne too?” He chuckled.

“Is it that obvious?” I gave him a wide smile, relishing being the center of the President’s attention. I almost forgot we were surrounded by other guests.

“John! Miss Monroe!” A man approached us. I hid my disappointment as John took a step away from me to greet him. I hadn’t realized just how close we had been, almost touching. If I imagined myself to be warm earlier, it was nothing compared to now.

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