25- Choosing

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A month. Thirty days of purity and perfection. One whole month Remus John Lupin had been a happier man than any other on Earth (or so he fancied). The only dampener upon his unrivalled happiness was that one night. The wolfsbane helped of course, but it didn't stop his body going through almost unbearable pain. But now, she was actually trying to help him. With his prompts, she was attempting to become an animagus, for him. She was certainly learning fast, and the more time he spent with her, the deeper and stronger his love for the pink haired witch became.

Until finally, Remus could stand it no longer. Early morning, no later than nine, he crept out of their small house. He had left a brief note on the table, saying no more than he was going out to town and would be back soon, signing his name beneath in colour changing ink. He left Dora asleep upstairs, the blankets pulled up tight around her and fresh kiss planted on her forehead. He had already bought her a dress, dark blue velvet that clung to the body and flared slightly just above the knee. She hadn't seen it yet, it was still in a box under the bed; but he wanted it to be a surprise. His new destination? London. For a very special purpose.


"Hello sir, what can I get you today? Would you like any help?" The young man behind the counter asked with unnecessary enthusiasm as Remus entered the store. At first the sprightly greeting took him by surprise, but it didn't take long to relax and respond.

"Nothing in particular. And I think I'll be all right, just browsing thank you." He replied with a flicker of a smile, shutting the door behind him. The over excitable man gave a wide smile, reminding the lycanthrope rather of Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Well I'll be here if you need me sir." He grinned, sitting back down and diverting his attention away from the uncomfortable man in the doorway. Remus's eyes scanned the rows, searching for one thing in particular. After only a couple of seconds, he saw it;

Engagement Rings

He set off for there immediately, thankful of the screen that would separate him from the man behind the desk, even though it was a fairly small shop. Another person was already standing behind the fake wall as Remus headed around it. A young man, no more than thirty, with dark brown, almost black, ringlets let loose around his face. For a moment, Remus felt the all to familiar pang of sadness in his heart but he bit it away. He was there for Dora that time.

"You alright mate?" The man smiled at him as he approached, flashing two sets if perfect teeth in a pearly white smile, "Looking for a ring to pop the question?" A nod, "What's yours like?" Remus smiled back as he took up the spot next to him, scanning the glass case for anything that immediately took his fancy.

"Well," he sighed, unsure of where to begin, "She's a bit crazy but kind, so sweet. Dyes her hair a lot, its bubblegum pink at the moment. Suits her though, she looks adorable and she says its her favourite. You looking for anything in particular for yours?"

"God." The man exhaled loudly, putting a hand around the back of his neck as he thought, "She's bloody gorgeous. Really kind, funny and I mean, we get on so perfectly, what's the point in waiting? Just hope she says yes."

"I know how you feel." Remus nodded, "But you know, there's no point in waiting if you can be happy now. Hey how about that? For you." He said suddenly, pointing to a silver ring with a twisted design winding its way around a diamond heart in the middle.

"That's what I was thinking." The man nodded thoughtfully, "She'd love it. Kind of thing she finds adorable. Yeah you know what, think I will. One hundred and fifty, half price, bargain. Anything stand out to you?"

"Not really." He replied nervously, "I'm not too sure what she'll like."

"You said she likes pink. Go for that one." Was the reply he got, and a big hand stretched in front of him and pointed to a small ring in the corner. The moment Remus saw it, he gasped. A small pink diamond, encrusted by smaller whites. Two strips of silver flowered from the gems on each side, twisting and turning before finally becoming one. The price tag beside it read 'One hundred and seventy five pounds'. He thought it was a tad excessive, but his Dora deserved the best and the muggle money he had wasn't even his.

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