34- 7 Potters

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"Stay safe." Remus murmured into his wife's hair as they watched the seven identical versions of Harry change their clothes before them. He was sat perched on the windowsill, Dora leaning back on his legs. A shiver ran down her spine as his lips brushed over her ear, sending her heart beat crazy.

"I will." She whispered back, taking one of his hands in between hers, "And you." Remus lifted their joined hands up to his face, rubbing his cheek briefly against her slender fingers. A few seconds later, a whole line of identical Harry's stood before them, looking nervously at each other. Dora smiled encouragingly at them, sending the real one a brief wink. Slowly the others began filing out, until it was only Dora and Moody in the room. With a stern look from her mentor, she pushed herself up and headed towards the door, but he held out an arm before she could pass through.

"Stay safe." He said firmly, giving her the second hug she had ever had from him, "Don't lose it."

"I won't." She said softly, kissing his wrinkled forehead with a smile, "Stay safe yourself." Together they headed out to join the others, Dora going to her husband who wrapped her up in a tight hug.

"I won't say goodbye because I'll see you again." He whispered into her neck, "I love you." With another fleeting kiss on the lips they parted, each heading to their own brooms.

"Hold on Ron." Dora said firmly, leaning down further onto her broom as his hands moved apprehensively around her waist. She looked one last time at Remus, who met her gaze and smiled warmly. Moody began to yell a countdown, his hand dropping from the air as the final number rang through the air. She kicked up off the ground, moving as quickly as she could and ignoring Ron's yelp.

Almost instantly, jets of bright light began to fly past them, complete with caped figures. Ron cried out once more and snaked his arms tightly around her waist, holding on for dear life. Dora remained surprisingly calm as a shoot of green light narrowly missed her ear, the stunner that she sent back knocking her attacker clean off his broom. She was just ready to pull her broom up and head back to her original course when a strong force hit her side, knocking her sideways.

Ron screamed her name, letting go of her as she slipped away from him, toppling off the broom. She reached desperately for his hand, just catching hold of his fingertips. He grabbed back tightly, the sudden stop sending her legs swinging at least 200ft above the ground below.

"Oopsy." She heard Bellatrix's sing song voice laugh, "Poor Dorie. How's your filthy wolfish husband?"

"Ron." Dora whispered, struggling to keep her grip on his sweaty fingers, "Not long now. Can you keep hold of me?" The Harry lookalike shook his head nervously, looking up briefly but only to fire a spell at a Death Eater who was closing in on them. Dora screamed again as she just dodged a killing curse, her fingers slipping even more from his, "Let go!" She breathed, shaking her head at him as he paled, "I'll be fine. You're nearly there. Start going down now." She let go of his shaking hand, plummeting straight away towards the ground. The Death Eaters flew away as they saw this, Bellatrix's mad cackles echoing in the cold night.

The ground was only a few feet away from her when she cast the spell, making her landing completely painless before she fell the last metre or so to the ground a second later. Bellatrix screamed triumphantly, mixing with Ron's one of anguish as the sky lit up a bright green. Dora lay completely still, her heart beating crazily fast and her limbs frozen in shock. A few seconds later, Ron landed beside her in shower of dirt, casting the broom away as he collapsed to his knees.

"Are they all gone Ron?" She murmured quietly, taking a shaky breath as he cried out in relief.

"Gone." He said, his voice wobbling as he helped her up. Her steps were unsteady, crossing over each other as she struggled for air.

"Don't tell Remus." Dora told him, sternly for someone who had just fallen 200ft from a moving object, "Please. Now let's go, we're probably late." She picked the broom up, ignoring his shocked stares.

Thankfully, the journey back was less of a fiasco, the two making it back unscathed. They landed in a wave of gravel, Ron finally releasing his grip on her as they staggered off the broom. Dora fell straight into Remus's arms, Ron heading to Hermione.

"What happened?" Remus asked nervously as Dora thanked Ron for saving her, "I thought I'd..."

"Don't worry." She smiled over his shoulder, "Bella caught up with me. I'm alright though. What happened with you?"

"George has lost an ear." Remus said, voice strained and slightly angry at her for scaring him so much, "He'll live."

Together they headed for the door of the Burrow, following after the four kids. George was lying on the sofa, Molly and Fred beside him. He smiled weakly at Dora as she came in, though his face paled as Ron whispered something to him and his mum. Molly gasped loudly, immediately getting up and rushing over to the young woman, hugging her tightly.

"That was very irresponsible." She scolded quietly, "You could've hurt the baby. But thank you so much. You saved his life." As they pulled away, Dora wiped away one of the older woman's tears, nodding silently.

Silence descended as Bill walked sullenly through the door, Fleur behind him. He hugged Arthur, but halfheartedly as he spoke.

"Mad-eye's dead." A cry rose in Dora's throat, escaping her lips into the quiet room. She turned and hid herself away into Remus's chest, tears flowing freely from her dark eyes. 'Anyone but him' she thought over and over in her head. It was no secret that her and the old auror very much had a father/daughter relationship. But what scared her most was that he had seemed invincible, and would now never get to see her child grow up.

Remus held her tightly, running gentle circles into her back as she sobbed. And he had a feeling that Mad-eye would just be the start.

I wanted to have her reveal the pregnancy in this chapter but Mad-eye deserved a proper send off. It'll be the next one. I promise.


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