30- Belle

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"Look at me. I do believe you know what I am talking about Severus." Bellatrix hissed, grabbing his chin between her two fingers and forcing him to face her, "Kill her, or I'll kill you. Am I understood?" The sallow man took a subdued breath, surprised by what she expected him to do, though he tried to appear impassive.

"Why?" He breathed gently, looking down at her with a grim smile on his thin features, "What possible reason, she's an innocent girl."

"Aww." The Death Eater said in a mock baby voice, "Has he got a little soft spot? Weak? Why?"

"She has done nothing to you." He replied calmly, "And it is none of your business about her personal life, or his. I will not touch her."

"Then I'll do it myself." Bellatrix snarled, piercing her nails into his pale skin, "If you're too weak, you can hide away behind your walls and I'll kill them both. I still don't trust you Severus, you know that."

"I do." He answered blankly, "But I won't stoop so low for your own gain. If you wish for the young woman to die, ask someone else. I will not let you abuse the fact that I know them. Yes, I have never particularly liked them, but I do not feel my arrival would have a good reception at this point in time."

"Fine." She sneered, pulling away and flouncing towards the small door of his room, "Don't be surprised when they're found dead at home. And think that you had a choice."

*New Place*

"Good morning my darling." Remus whispered, waking his new wife up with a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. Dora sneezed slightly, making the occasional snuffle as she rolled over and buried her face into Remus's chest. He held her close to him, gently stroking out her almost blindingly pink hair with his free hand, the other wrapped around her waist, rising and falling in the pattern of her low breathing.

"Hello, Mr Lupin." She murmured, lacing her arms around his torso as her eyes flickered open, showing her dark, twinkling irises, "Are you alright?"

"Never better, never happier." He answered softly, gently stroking her pale cheek with his thumb, "This is perfect. But, I was just wondering, ummm... Do you think...? Umm, no...it, it doesn't matter."

"What?" Dora gently tilted her head to one side, looking at him curiously, "You can tell me Remus. I'm here for you." He bit his lip nervously, small tears collecting in his smooth chocolate eyes. She wiped them away as they trickled down his face, falling into his lap if her nailed fingers missed them.

"I know its stupid, but do you think Sirius and James will hate me for this? Lily probably will. For going and hurting you so much." Dora took a deep breath and gently lifted his chin up with her finger so he faced her.

"No." She said softly, leaning forwards slightly and looking down so as to hide the small tears that formed in her eyes, "They won't mind. I don't."

"I'll never leave you again." Remus answered quietly, lifting up her chin so that she looked at him, mirroring what she had done to him a few seconds previous, "I felt so bad, I cried for days. I nearly killed you; I thought it would stop you having to go through physical pain, but everything I did, made it worse. They'll be so annoyed at me."

"And you think I'm not." She said softly, her eyes locking with his chocolate brown ones, "I'm angry enough for all of them."

"I'm sorry." He murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "But I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you."

"And there's the Remus I know and love." She whispered, moving her hand so that it spread out around his flushed cheek, fingers splayed slightly. His lips were chapped and dry as Dora placed her own on them, planting a small kiss on his lower lip before they met together properly. Remus could find no other word to describe it than magical. His heart was beating so fast it felt like a hum, about to fly out of his chest. It was still just as incredible as the first time he had kissed her, almost two years ago. But so tender, gentle, like they were falling for each other all over again.

"I'm taking the twins out to a gig tonight." She said quietly as he pulled back though he stayed close, gently rubbing her soft lips with his thumb, "Be back some point early morning. Are you sure you'll be fine, full moon and all?"

"I'll be alright." He smiled at her, "Be careful though."

"I will be." She looked him in the eye, deep love and pride shining through them as they turned a deep indigo. He chuckled slightly before reaching forwards and lightly placing a second kiss on her pale forehead. She curled up against him, her head against his chest and his chin buried in the mess of pink, "And James and Sirius won't be angry. Trust me."

"I always will." He answered her as she fell back into her light sleep, meaning she didn't hear his faint talking, "I trust you with my life. Always."


Hey, sorry its taken a while but I've been too excited to think properly. MY FAVE BAND HAVE GOT A NEW ALBUM ON THE WAY!! SQUEEEE!!!!! If you hadn't guessed I'm really excited:-P. Not much of an excuse, I've just spent too long dancing round my room and jumping round in circles to concentrate. I'll try and update quick, but till then, so long.

An overexcited stalker

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