Sherlock and John and the Sober Saviors

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Request for @thegameison97


Maybe it wasn't the best idea to take the boys out for a night on the town. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to spike Sherlock's drink in his graduated cylinder (yes he still used one, even after John's bachelor party). Maybe it wasn't the best idea to make it a competition of who could drink more, and then see who could hold their breath the longest. But people make mistakes, and you made a couple tonight. Which is why, at the moment, you were crouching under a table in the club, rubbing soothing circles on Sherlock's back, as he breathed deeply into a paper bag.

"John was cheating, I just know it," he accused, removing his mouth for a couple seconds from the bag. You nodded your head in fake sympathy, and pushed the bag back up to his mouth. In short, Sherlock wasn't feeling good. After the contest (John won no problem), Sherlock collapsed to ground, hyperventilating and at the same time saying he was going to puke. You asked one of the bartenders for a paper bag and they handed you one, hurrying back to Sherlock who still lay on the ground. Sherlock took it, crawled under the table, and you had been there with him for 10 minutes while he got his breath back and his stomach under control. You looked to the dance floor and saw John flopping around like a chicken with its head cut off . Mary stood by him, trying to grab his arms and dance with him so to prevent him from hitting the others around them and apologizing repeatedly to those he had already struck. Mary caught your eye, mouthing "help me", and you giggled as John planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek. The chairs around the table squeaked, and you looked to find Sherlock stumbling towards the dance floor. Oh Lord help me, you thought as he started fist pumping. You were crawling out from under the table when a hand appeared in front of your face.

"Need some help?" asked a deliciously tanned man with a 5 o clock shadow. Not wanting to be rude, you allowed him to take your hand and help you up. "Were you taking a nap under there?" he asked jokingly.

"Of course! Haven't you ever slept underneath a table in a bar?" you joked back.

"If I have, I don't remember. Name's Phillip," he said, putting out a hand for you to shake.

"(Y/N)!" yelled Sherlock from the dance floor.

"And that's my name. I best be going, he needs me by the looks of it," you chuckled, watching Sherlock flailing his arms around to the music, all the while methodically getting closer to you and Phillip. "It was nice meeting you!" you said, then headed towards your struggling boyfriend.

"Wait," said Phillip, grabbing your arm to stop you, "are you two together?" he asked, eyeing Sherlock, who was now in earshot of your conversation. Before you could answer, Sherlock answered for you.

"Yes we're together. And if you have a problem with that then you can take it up with me," he then pointed drunkenly to the dance floor, "and the dance floor." He placed an arm around your shoulders in a protective manner. Normally, your heart would have skipped a couple beats at his affection, but you realized that he had only put his arm around you for balance. How romantic. You choked on your laughter as Phillip walked away, a weirded out look on his face. "I must've really scared him with my dancing threat," slurred Sherlock proudly. At that moment, Mary approached you, a very drunken John latched onto her hand like a little kid.

"I think it's time to go. We should get some food in these boys. I know of a diner that's still open," she offered. You agreed; food sounded like a safe idea. Looking back to the boys, you tried not to laugh as you watched John and Sherlock attempt to high five. They kept missing each other's hands, and Sherlock ended up slapping John in the face.

"Sherlock, that didn't even hurt! Mary! (Y/n)! That didn't hurt!" John broke into a fit of laughter.

"John slap me and I'll tell you if it hurts!" said Sherlock with all the excitement of a little kid opening presents on Christmas. John raised his hand, but Mary caught it before he could do any damage.

BBC Sherlock ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon