Moriarty: First Kill of the Year

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"What are your plans for tonight?" asked Jim, stirring his tea, fingers clasped lightly around the spoon.

"Hanging with you, as always," you chimed happily while you studied him carefully.

"I know," he replied cockily. "I was just giving you a chance to say the right answer before I told you what you were doing." He winked at you, taking a small sip of his tea. Although he played off his controlling behavior as a tease, you knew deep down he was serious. Jim was a straight up psychopath. A pathological killer. A torturer. And yet, despite those small quirks in his manner, you had grown to like him.

Too bad you'd have to kill him tonight.

That had been the plan all along. Grow close to him, feed him words and create situations in which he found he could trust you. Then slit his throat when he least expected it. You had been assigned this mission exactly a year ago today, and now it was time to end it. Your deadline was 11:59pm on December 31st, 2015. You wanted to start the New Year off right, put this past year, and the foul crime you were about to commit, behind you.

You rose from the table and headed to the door, grabbing your coat on the way. Jim watched you with curiosity.

"I'll be back in a couple hours. I'm going out to run a couple errands for tonight," you said, one foot already out the door.

"Don't be gone long kitten," he purred.


It was 11:15 and Jim had fallen asleep with his head on your lap. You watched him breathe in and out, like a peaceful child. You stroked his head, letting your fingers get lost in his rambunctious hair. It would be so easy to kill him right now you thought. There's a blanket right there. It would be so easy. And you'd have 45 minutes to live out the rest of New Years. You inwardly fought with yourself on the subject. Eventually, you reached over, grabbing the blanket. Just as you were to place it over his head, he woke up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He noticed you frozen in position, the blanket hanging over him.

"What are you doing?" he asked, sleep clouding his dark eyes.

"You looked cold, thought I'd cover you with a blanket," you fibbed. Quickly, you leaned down to peck him lightly, hoping to cover up your reddened cheeks. You weren't used to being caught in mid-kill, and you hoped you were giving nothing away.

"How long was I asleep for?" he asked, getting up and stretching. You watched the muscles in his back move.

"Around 45 minutes. It's 11:20." He stood up, walking towards the kitchen. Again, you watched him, all the while thinking up ways to kill him in your head.

"(Y/n)!" he yelled. You snapped out of your daydream.

"What?" you asked, slightly annoyed.

"I just asked if you wanted anything. What are you thinking about?" he asked, coming to sit down back by you. He pulled your legs into his lap. His fingertips were cold, and you shivered against his touch.

"Just different ways to kill you," you teased, running a hand down the side of his face. His 5 o clock shadow prickled your hand. He chuckled at your "absurd" joke and kissed your nose lightly. You laughed too, but for a different reason. You laughed because it was the plain, hard truth, and he had no idea.

"Let's go make some food," he offered, grabbing your hand and tugging you along. In the kitchen, he took out pots and pans, starting to prepare your elegant meal of fettuccini alflredo. His back was to you now, and you spotted a knife inches away. Before you could think twice, you grabbed for it, silently of course, and held it, ready to go in for the kill. Again, he caught your eye with his smooth movements as prepared your dinner. Inside, you were already missing him. It was hard, to have to spend a year with someone, getting to know the good, and the bad, about them, then kill them off like it was just another mission. It is just another mission, said the emotionless killer inside you. You nodded in determination, pushing down the guilt and regret inside. Taking a deep breath, you raised the knife, and took a deep plunge into the new year ahead.

But, you were stopped short.

A hand clasped onto yours. You were spun around, and your hands were pinned behind your back.

"I was wondering when you were going to make an attempt," whispered Jim in your ear. His breath was warm, and you cringed away from it. "I knew that pathetic attempt to suffocate me with the blanket wasn't all you had in store. But a knife in the back, now that's more like it." Your adrenaline surged, and you jerked your arms out of his grip. He was too fast though, and grabbed on to your arms, pushing you up against the fridge and pinning your arms up high. "Don't even try," he threatened.

"How did you know?" you asked, thoroughly dumbfounded. You and your team had made precise plans, plans that were foolproof, there was no way.

"I have my ways," he growled. "You almost tricked me, almost."

"How long have you known?"

"Two days after you stumbled upon me by chance at that New Year's Eve party last year."

"There's no way. We had fool proof plans, there's no w-"

"Well they didn't work, obviously." He smirked devilishly at you.

"So now what?" you challenged. "Are you going to kill me or something?" He looked surprised by your outburst, and slightly hurt.

"Do you think I'm some sort of psychopath?" he asked, moving his face closer to yours.

"Yes," you spat out. "That's why I was assigned to kill you - because you are a psychopath." He laughed hysterically.

"Oh (y/n). I like you, a lot. I don't want to kill you, I want to keep you."

"I'd rather you kill me, thanks," you groaned dryly, although part of you had taken a liking to the idea. You wouldn't deny that you liked living with Jim, you liked spending time with him. But you couldn't let this mission fail and run away with the enemy. Your arms began to throb due to their long standing vertical position. He stared you down, and you did the same. You watched his eyes dart all over your face, lingering on yours lips for just a second longer.

"Will you be my New Year's kiss (y/n)?" You swallowed your surprise, trying to play it cool.

"You want someone who just tried to stab you in the back, be your New Years kiss?" you asked incredulously.

"I am a psychopath aren't I? I like the girls who try to kill me, it's sexy." You found yourself blushing under the eye is Jim Moriarty. Nobody had ever found you, a murderer (even if it was for the right reasons), sexy. So as you watched the clock turn from 11:59 to 12:00, you leaned in and kissed the man you were supposed to kill. Mission failed, New Year's kiss accomplished.






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