Sherlock: Johanna's Tea Party

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Request for myfirstnameisagent


It had been a long day at the office, full of complaints from clients and complaints from your boss - you didn't know which was worse. But the thought of coming home to your curly haired duo had kept you trooping through the day.

You practically sprinted up the stairs to the flat. Out of breath, you reached the top and opened the door. Due to the sight in front of you, you were forced to bite your tongue to hold back your laughter. You closed the door silently behind you and stood observing. A folding table had been set up in the middle of the living room, tea cups and saucers lay in a diamond formation on the table. Johanna was sporting a pink princess dress you had grudgingly bought her at Christmas, and it was all complete with a matching crown. Sherlock on the other hand... 

"Mommy!" yelled Johanna, running to you and jumping in your arms. You dropped your purse just in time to catch her. She was light in your arms, but you made a face as the fabric on her dress itched your arms. "Daddy and I are having a tea party!" she squealed excitedly, squirming so you'd let her down.

"I can see that." you commented. "And does this tea party happen to be in Buckingham Palace?" you asked, referring to the sheet Sherlock had wrapped around him. He made a "haha very funny" face, then took a sip of his tea. "But seriously," you asked, taking off one of the stuffed animals from a chair and putting it on your lap as you sat down before your daughter could accuse you of animal slaughter, "have you been sick all day or something?" Your 5 year old butted in before Sherlock could answer, and he took a sip of his tea, a sour look on his face; he liked explaining himself, but he learned to be patient with her own childish outbursts.

"Daddy isn't sick. He wore this to Buckingham Palace the last time he went there so why wouldn't he wear it this time?" You nodded in understanding, but snickered at Sherlock under your breath.

"You're wearing something under-"

"Yes," he answered quickly as a light blush threatened to creep up his neck.

"What a shame," you whispered just loud enough for him to hear as you walked by and ruffled his hair.

"(Y/n)!" he scolded, the blush now fully taking over his sharp features.

"Mommy," whined Johanna, getting up from her seat to tug on your hand.

"I'll be right back honey, I'm going to go change," you assured, kneeling down to her eye level. You observed how long and thick her curls were today, and proudness swelled inside of you.

"I know, but here," she said, running to over to the couch to grab something, then coming back and thrusting it in your arms. "You almost forgot your sheet!" she exclaimed, a commanding look in her eyes; you knew best to comply and wear the sheet. You eyed Sherlock and he sat there smirking.

"Yeah (y/n), how dare you almost forget your sheet. Have you forgot we're in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation?"


So apparently writing realllllllly early in the morning also works well for me... Or at least I think it does.

I apologize for the short length of this.

But I do not apologize for Sherlock being a cute daddy who has tea party's with his daughter.

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Looks like I'm done here.

Have a great day kiddos.

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