Sherlock: Search and Rescue

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Request for @thebookdoctor1


"Are you sure it's safe for her here?" asked John Watson. Sherlock glanced down at the little one holding his thumb. She smiled widely up at him, a toothy grin, and his heart melted a little.

"Of course. It's not like the murderer is still here Johnathan."

"Yeah Jonathan," mimicked Johanna, giggling and reaching out playfully towards John. Sherlock chuckled at his daughter.

"Don't encourage him Johanna," grumbled John, then gave her a little tickle. Sherlock lifted up the caution tape for his fellow doctor to go under, then extended his arm forward that his daughter clung to so she would follow suit. Police cars surrounded the house and Sherlock noticed one of the upstairs window was broken, obviously where the perpetrator had made his escape. John walked up the front steps to the house, Sherlock in tow, but John stopped suddenly and turned around.

"Are you sure she should be seeing this? A dead person?" questioned John. Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"John, she's four years old."

"Exactly Sherlock, she's four years old. And I doubt (y/n) is okay with this."

"Who says she has to be okay with this?" challenged Sherlock, but deep down his stomach clutched at the thought of you finding out. John gave Sherlock a look, but the detective just picked up his daughter and bustled past him into the house. "Lestrade, lead me to him," ordered Sherlock. Lestrade turned around and his jaw dropped when he saw Johanna in Sherlock's arms.

"Is that Johanna? Sherlock she's four years old, you shouldn't have brought her," scolded Lestrade. At the mention of her name Johanna put her face in her father's neck shyly.

"Yes she is four Gus, thank you for being the second person today to emphasize that to me." Sherlock shot both of them a look, then proceeded up the stairs with Johanna bouncing happily on his hip. At the top of the stairs he was stopped by Anderson. Shortly after, Lestrade and John joined Sherlock from behind. "What is it now?" asked the detective impatiently.

"Daddy down," Johanna said, beginning to squirm in his arms so he set her down and patted her head absentmindedly.

"You're late," accused Anderson.

"I had some business to take care of," snapped Sherlock defensively.

"What kind of business?" Anderson asked nosely. John snorted - he knew exactly why they had been late to the crime scene.

"Johanna's potty training business that's what. Anymore questions? No? Then please let me do my job and enjoy myself in peace." Sherlock's face was burning due to the laughter coming from the three men surrounding him. He was proud to have a daughter, he loved her more than murders, but that didn't mean saying the words "potty training" made it any less embarrassing.

"Enough with the funny business Anderson," grunted Lestrade, "lead the princess to his crime scene." More snickers came from the group and Sherlock rolled his eyes. They began walking down the long hallway to the end room. Sherlock wanted nothing more than to dive into the scene and solve this murder, hopefully before lunch. He knew Johanna would be hungry soon, she had the appetite of a Uni student. Speaking of...

"Johanna," whispered Sherlock, twirling around and dashing back to the top of the stairs. He looked around but she was no longer there. John and Lestrade came running after him.

"What's wrong Sherlock?" asked Lestrade.

"Johanna, I-I don't know where she is." Don't panic don't panic don't panic THINK. Sherlock began going through all the rooms in the house, opening each door and scouring the room for any sign of his curly haired sidekick. John and Lestrade joined in, calling her name and running around the house. Eventually they all ended up at the top of the stairs.

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