Dead Meat

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Scarlett's POV
Why did this ginger keep staring at me? It was creeping me out, and also Apperantly threw me off guard because I didn't notice the man threw a punch at me. I quickly regained focus and kicked him back. Just as I was about to finish this patient came in and this thing he had exploded, spreading a knockout gas throughout the room.

Fuck. I wanna go back to Indian Hill. It was never this exciting, putting aside the massive torture.

I took one last look at the ginger before I passed out.
I woke up being tied to some lift among 6 or 7 other idiots. Well, someone broke us out of Arkham but I didn't have to say it because some genius decided to speak up.

"What the hell is this place?" One curly hair guys said to which the ginger responded "it ain't Arkham anyhow"

"No shit really?" I said sarcastically. He looked at me and his eyes went wide.

"Scarlett," he breathed. How the fuck did he know my name?!

Before I could ask, however, this big macho man walked in and announced himself like he was important.

"My name is Theo Galavan, I understand some of you are confused, scared, a little groggy, but please relax. Today is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you. If you want"

"And who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Well, now the question is, who are you?"

"Let me out of these restraints and I'd love to show you, baby" I smirked darkly. He chuckled and pointed at me.

"I like you. Good choice, Tabby," he commented to his sister.

"The world sees criminal lunatics. I see brilliance"

"Try experiment," I mutter but no one heard or just didn't comment on it.

"Yes, exactly my man. That is so spooky. That is me to a T. These other bozos, I don't know, but you're singing my song," the ginger announced and I rolled my eyes.

"Kiss ass," I muttered and I knew he heard me from the quiet laugh he let out in response.

I tuned out the rest until I saw one of the inmates die by Tabithas hands. I didn't even flinch.

"Anyone else wanna leave?" Theo asked.

"Not really, but bathroom privileges. What are they around here?" I asked.
Once he released us and showed us to our respected rooms I took a shower, rubbing off all the dirt and blood that marked my skin; ignoring the many needle marks that refused to fade. I hated looking at them, it just reminded me that I'm nothing but a failed experiment.

Once I stepped out, however, the ginger grabbed me by the wrist and I showed him to the floor.

"What is with you?" I asked him in annoyance. He was really getting on my nerves.

"Scarlet, it's me. Jerome!" He yelled out as I had my hand to his throat.

"Okay... am I supposed to know who that is?"

"Please tell me you're joking"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I asked and got off of him and stood up, not bothering to help him up.

"What happened to you?" He asked me as he got to his feet.

"Indian hill experimented on me for years but obviously I wasn't good enough so they put me in the asylum," I shrugged with no emotion and he stared at me like I was crazy. Ironic.

"They wiped your memory..." he said more to himself than to me. I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess"

"Your hair is... red. It was brown when I met you"

"Caused by an ungodly amount of chemicals"

He looked me up and down when he froze.

"You still wear it"

"Wear what?"

"The anklet I made you so many years ago"

I looked down and the anklet I refused to take off during my time at Indian Hill because it felt important to me, but I couldn't remember why. I looked up at him with a raised brow.

"You gave me this?"

"For your birthday. It was the last day I saw you..."


I felt a weird feeling develop inside me. It felt... nice. I wasn't used to it so I immediately pushed it away along with Jerome who was a little too close for my taste.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you," I said with sadness laced in my voice. "If you would like to talk later, well I mean you know where I'll be."

We all went into the dining room and Jerome sat to my left, awfully quiet. I felt bad for him, but pushed that away too. I'm supposed to be emotionless. Emotions are a weakness.

I was ripped from my thoughts by a nasty voice across from me.

"Hey beautiful," I looked up from my plate to see a hairy man, which I assumed was Greenwood, who sat across from me with a nasty smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and went back to picking at my food when he spoke up again.

"I'm a little more hungry. Kind of want to eat out. You like the sound of that, princess?" I almost threw up right there but stopped myself. I looked up at him once again, slowly pulling at the sharp knife close to my hip.

I smirked seductively at him and got onto the table. He seemed surprised by my actions.

I slowly crawled over to him until my face was inches from his. I raked my hand slowly through his hair and looked into his eyes.

"Oh baby, I hardly think you'd be able to handle this," I cooed before yanking his head back by his hair and stabbing him in the stomach.

He groaned in pain and I heard Jerome behind me laugh.

"Now now, Scarlett. Play nice," Theo scolded playfully. I smirked at him before pulling the knife out and crawling back to my seat. Only then did I meet Greenwood's glare and brought the knife up to my lips. Slowly licking it.

"Mmm. Tastes like dead meat," I muttered causing Jerome to laugh again.

"Oh boy did I miss you," he muttered in my ear and I was surprised that I shivered slightly at his words... what's happening to me?

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