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Scarlett's POV

Barbara continued her banter with Ra while Jeremiah and I just stared at each other. He tried to hold an emotionless face but I could see right through him.

"Why so glum, baby? You look as if you lost someone. Perhaps, by your own doing?" I tilted my head and smirked darkly at him. He growled and glared at me.

"Not yet," he threatened.

"Ooo, fiesty! I like it," I teased before Ra rolls his eyes and begins the real conversation we need to have. I mean, it is a stand-off after all.

"You're outnumbered," Ra states and that's when I gripped my weapon. I looked around me and pointed a finger at them as I counted off their members and then mine before tilting my head in fake realization. "Huh, you're right? But, you don't mind if I brought a couple friends to the party do ya?" I asked, looking at them innocently before dropping the act and smirking as I snapped my fingers. "We wanna play too," I pouted my lips as our guys entered.

Let the battle begin, bitches.

Two guys came after me first. I backed away in fake fear as I said, "now listen i've never had two guys at once so forgive me if I'm a little hesitant," I growled the last word as I charged towards the first one, spun around him like a stripper pole and brought him to the ground. I shot my head up, looking up at the guy who had fear written all over the place. "Your turn," I smirked darkly as he started to step backwards. He tried to strike me, but I dodged it with ease and stood back up as I pouted towards him. "Now you see, that's not how you treat a woman," I scolded him, shaking my hand at him in disappointment before punching him in the face, spinning around and taking him down with my left leg. I stood up, pushing my hair out of the way as I looked down at my masterpiece. I let out a breath and said, "Wow you boys didn't last long at all. Shame," I teased before stepping over their bodies and looking for my next victim.

Suddenly, I was pulled into the air by my neck. I looked down and saw Jeremiah. I smiled weakly.

"Hia puddin," I said innocently. Obviously he wasn't moved by my theatrics this timeI I rolled my eyes. Enough with the playground contact. I kneed him in the chest to the bottom of his chin and he let go of me. I spun myself around him and jumped on his back, bringing him to the ground with me. If we go down, we go down together baby. I messed up my footing at the last second and he turned us around and pinned me to the floor.

"How could you do that to me?" He said and raised a knife dangerously close to my eye. Why the eye, moron? I shrugged.

"Didn't think you'd care, baby. Besides, you don't have the ability to care" I challenged and he raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" He asked as his head moved down closer to mine. Before I could respond a shot rang out and Jeremiah was thrown off of me by a bullet hitting him in the shoulder. "Ouch, that looked like it hurt," I commented and heard him mutter 'smartass' as I quickly got to my feet and kicked a guy to the ground that was gaining on Tabitha, but I didn't see the guy behind me.

Everything happened so fast.

The bomb went off and destroyed the bridge. That definitely captured everyones' attention, even my own.

I saw the evil grin on Jeremiah's face as he admired his creation, or as sane people would call It: 'destruction'.

I also felt my body get pushed back by something, but I just thought it was Jeremiah trying to get up. But then I questioned why my shirt was becoming wet and becoming light-headed. I looked down and my eyes widened.

"Oh no, that's not good," I muttered when I saw the bullet lodged deep in my stomach. I began to wobble as I heard Jeremiah yelling for me. At least I think it was him.

I hit the floor, and saw a blurry Jeremiah above me.

"You knew this was going to happen to me. You did this, you idiot," I muttered before everything went black.

Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now